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Example sentences for "pine woods"

  • They grew on the edge of pine woods, and near the roadside.

  • It is found in pine woods in September and November.

  • We found it growing on an old stump, in pine woods, in the month of August.

  • It grows in pine woods and in wet, mossy swamps.

  • Quite common in West Virginia mountains and in pine woods of New Jersey.

  • Plentiful in pine woods of New Jersey, and among hemlocks in West Virginia.

  • Thousands were flittering here and there in the dense growth of rusty Indian grass (Andropogon), in the bayberry thickets, in pine woods and in dune thickets.

  • Nest hollow scraped in the ground under a bush on the edge of a pine woods; lined with grasses and leaves.

  • They are almost exclusively found in pine woods, either light or heavy growth, where they can always be located by their peculiar, musical lisping trill.

  • A very locally confined variety breeding in pine woods of southwestern California, about Monterey and Santa Cruz.

  • The sights and sounds of pine woods, the comfort and delight of walking in them, cannot be half told in a short paragraph.

  • Nymphs frequent under bark on decaying pine logs in pine woods; occasional in leaf mold in heavy junglelike scrub (Rehn and Hebard, 1914).

  • In undergrowth in pine woods; beaten from shrubbery, from bayberry bushes, from lower branches of gumbo limbo and other trees, from lower bushes and shrubs in jungle, and from low oaks on hills.

  • In nests of webworm and beaten from bushes of bayberry, Myrica cerifera, along edge of pine woods (Rehn and Hebard, 1916).

  • The treatment he received while at the "Pine Woods" shows that among slaveholders there are men of humanity as well as of cruelty.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pine woods" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    age for voluntary military; behind them; camping trip; concrete form; corn and; each chamber; good strong; half circle; human agency; known species; like amount; little bell; luminous body; over forty; pine away; pine barrens; pine cone; pine forest; pine tree; pine trees; pine wood; pine woods; pineal gland; recall something; riddle about; thou find