Eserin or pilocarpin (1-1/2 grains) may be given under the skin to stimulate the movements of the bowels.
Nearly all cases will recover if a hypodermic injection is given immediately of physostigmin salicylate 1 grain, pilocarpin hydrochlorid 2 grains, strychnin sulphate 1/2 grain.
If there be no contraindication in the state of the heart, pilocarpin salts can be injected in sufficient quantity to induce active diaphoresis.
Footnote 44: Atropia can be given with pilocarpin to diminish its effect on the heart; atropia is the antidote for pilocarpin.
He remembered that the pilocarpin was at the right-hand end--or was it the left?
He fervently blessed the shortage of phenacetin that had forced him to take pilocarpin as a sweating substitute for fever.
He knew that the pilocarpin would restore his vision within a few hours; and while the alleviation would be temporary, it might last some months, or until he could get the proper surgical aid.
Pilocarpin is just the opposite--it contracts the pupil.
Pilocarpin and atropin had exactly the opposite effect.
So indifferent that even after her chance had passed she still neglected to inform him that the pilocarpin was not destroyed after all.
Oh--why didn't you use that pilocarpin I gave you--I see.
It's God's own luck that I have this stuff with me--it's the pilocarpin I told you of.
If she had cared for him the least in the world would not she have hastened to produce the pilocarpin for his relief?
Conversely, if you switch the “Oscilloclast” to the pilocarpin vibratory rate, there is a copious flow of saliva.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pilocarpin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.