An event of the greatest interest to philatelists is the termination of the suzerainty of Turkey over Egypt, and the placing of the latter country under British protection.
The only tax that has interest to us as philatelists is the one cent impost on all letters and postcards.
Curiously enough Gibbons' catalogue entirely ignores these imperforate stamps though Mr. Howes is able to adduce documentary evidence in support of the statements made by philatelists of such undoubted authority as Messrs.
The circumstances connected with the inception of the issue are as gratifying as they are novel, and will be hailed with acclamation by the Philatelists of the British Empire.
Philatelists call these varieties semi-albinos and albinos.
For convenience of reference and description philatelists have adopted, as a standard of measurement, the space of two centimetres.
It can readily be understood that these would sometimes get mixed and result in more of those oddities in which philatelists delight.
Familiar figures to philatelists are those of Peace and Commerce on the stamps of France, Hope with her anchor on the issues of the Cape of Good Hope and Britannia on several of the British Colonies.
Doubtless the thirty varieties of this die would have been highly prized by collectors and would have been well known many years ago if American philatelists had taken the trouble to study them with a view to systematic classification.
While this confers great credit upon the latter, it is an humiliation to American philatelists that this page of our own history was left to be written by an English student.
To the philatelists the Nesbitt issues are by far the most interesting series of all the United States Postal issues and, as the years pass on, the intrinsic value of these die varieties will increase rapidly.
The question, however, of superlative interest to philatelists is: why has Nesbitt produced such a large number of dies or die varieties?
The Liverpool Mercury: "The enthusiasm of Philatelists in their favourite pursuit is well illustrated in this capital story.
Post Cards are not provided for, as all Philatelists of experience know it is best to collect them separately.
Wiser and keener Philatelists nowadays retain their general collections, so far as they have gone with them, and upon their basis give play to their specialist inclinations.
It is likewise especially applicable for the use of those Philatelists who arrange their collections by the Catalogue published by ourselves or any other standard list.
Illustration] The circumstances connected with the inception of the issue are as gratifying as they are novel, and will be hailed with acclamation by the Philatelists of the British Empire.
News of sudden inquiries travels fast among antiquarians and philatelists and the frequency of such inquiries raises the value of the thing inquired for.
Among the philatelists the world over he is listed as the owner of the most searched for stamps.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "philatelists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.