There are twoPeriphrastic Conjugations,--the Active and the Passive.
When future time is referred to, the protasis is usually in the imperfect of the periphrastic future, commonly the subjunctive, but sometimes the indicative (2108).
For the future indicative the periphrasticform is sometimes used.
Something is due to the proprieties, and to accuse a man of deviations from candour and truth is of course merely a slightly periphrastic method of charging him with falsehood.
In the provinces, where a periphrastic style is still cultivated, polemics are clothed in high-sounding phrases.
In certain ceremonies seven quids are invariably set out by him, always accompanied by an invocation, the strain of which is usually very monotonous and always couched in long periphrastic preambles.
Each of the visitors comes in his turn and rattles off, with many a significant haw and cough, in good ManĂ³bo style a series of periphrastic platitudes and examples that apparently give no clue to the object of their visit.
The mention of the words pig and deer must be sedulously avoided, and no one must refer to the purpose of the hunter unless it be in a periphrastic way.
Coptic presents a remarkable contrast to Egyptian in the precision of its periphrastic conjugation.
This periphrastic construction, in which inghoi, to do, is used to strengthen the verb, seems to be borrowed from Assamese; many examples occur further on.
When the present is found not to be distinctive enough, periphrastic forms come in.
Periphrastic tenses are sometimes formed, as in Modern E.
In addition to the above inflected forms, there are many periphrastic or compound forms, made up of auxiliaries with the infinitives and participles.
Worthy sir," said Tomkins, in a much less periphrastic style, "I will obey your worship as far as the spirit will permit.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "periphrastic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.