The water thereby percolates through the sand strata in the reverse direction of its usual course, so as to clear away the impurities in the space B, and to discharge them by the pipe c h.
It exerts a powerful oxidising influence on the dissolved organic matter, which percolates it to such an extent, that in the waters of certain deep wells, every trace of organic matters is converted into innocuous mineral compounds.
From these the salt is dissolved out by rain or by subterranean waters, and the saline solutionpercolates the soil to feed the artesian reservoirs which underlie the desert.
We have said that finer matter, called desire stuff and mind stuff, permeates our atmosphere and the solid earth, even as blood percolates through all parts of our flesh.
Upon a little closer investigation he would also discover that this second kind of substance permeates the solid earth to the very center, even as the blood percolates through the more solid parts of our flesh.
This process, is also assisted by the moisture which percolates through the snowy mass, and which is furnished both by the melting of the surface snow and by occasional rains.
The rate of the accumulation will depend upon both the degree to which the water is saturated with the carbonate and upon the quantity of the water which percolates through the roof of the cavern.
I know many instances of fresh-water lakes being divided from the sea by only a few yards of sandy beach, and I do not accept as fact that salt water percolates through the sand and forms the salt of Larnaca lake.
The process of dissolution, too, is carried on internally; for rain and melted water on the surface percolates through the mass, rendering it porous.
The water no longer percolates through the snow--it is frozen.
The ground coffee is suspended above the liquid in a cloth bag or a perforated receptacle and the water percolates through it.
It then passes through this plate into the filter cup containing the grounds, through which it percolates and drops into the main chamber.
It then falls over the coffee and percolates through into the water below.
The sand arrests any solid matter in the water as it percolates to the gravel and drains below.
The water from the main enters the outer case, and percolatesthrough the porcelain walls to the internal cavity and thence flows away through the delivery pipe.
Defn: To pass through fine interstices; to filter; as, water percolates through porous stone.
Defn: An instrument for measuring the water that percolatesthrough a certain depth of soil.
For wherever water percolates the soil with hard rock beneath it in the desert, it is possible to reach and raise it by cutting into the soil to the surface of the rock.
But clusters of bushes that follow the valley floors or rise from the plains, show that moisture percolates the soil beneath the surface, and is procurable by digging down to the harder subsoil, (i.
The river is ample and deep for a few miles, but is utterly choked up by the lake sands, through which, behind a masked margin, it oozes its way for a mile or two, till it percolates through the sands into the lake.
The water whichpercolates downward upon the joints, finds its way laterally along the parting planes, and so subjects the entire surface of each block to simultaneous attack by its reagents.
This water, derived from rain or snow, percolates into the ground or descends along the crevices in the rocks, carrying with it a certain measure of dissolved air.
If some solvent acid is present in the water that percolates through these rocks it may soften the cement and thus free the pebbles, reducing the conglomerate again to a mere heap of shell fragments, or gravel, or rounded pebbles.
Where water flows over limestone rock, and percolates through layers of this very common mineral, it causes the iron, gathered in these rock masses, to be deposited in pockets.
Water in the springs and wells of the Mid-Western States is "hard" because it percolates through limestone material.
Water percolates through it with extreme facility, but it is generally covered by a thick mass of stiff tenacious bluish grey clay, perfectly impervious.
Some rocks produce deposits through which water percolates readily, while others allow a passage only through such fissures as may exist.
If a large amount of water is to be demanded of a well, to be dug in soil through which the water percolates slowly, the well must be large in diameter, in order that the necessary supply may be accumulated.
The gasoline from the pipe A percolates through the material in B and flows into the generator.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "percolates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.