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Example sentences for "pefore"

Lexicographically close words:
peevish; peevishly; peevishness; peewit; peewits; peg; pegged; pegging; peglike; pegmatite
  1. Oldt man Abbott toldt me pefore I go to bedt dot I hadt bedder start der fires oop undter der boiler, so dot if anyting happened to der lighdt ve vould still be able to varn der ships.

  2. I got him down der stairs pefore annuder big vave come, undt den shut der door so dot no more big vaves come into der room.

  3. I vorked vonce in some factories meinseluf--pefore I got foolish und vent on der stage mit Pringle.

  4. You see, I owe a fife-tollar board-pill in town und it iss pedder dot I pay it pefore I hike.

  5. So he was at Tougal Stewart's store on the first of October early in the morning pefore the shutters wass taken off, and he paid half chust exactly to keep his word.

  6. So it went on three days and three nights pefore the wise thought came into my grandfather's head to show him how he need not go beyond the posts to see his little sick poy.

  7. With that he went straight to one of the white cedar posts, and pulled it up out of the hole, and started for home, taking great care to carry it in his hands pefore him, so he would not be beyond it one bit.

  8. But say, I vos sorry I peen shot town pefore we got to Malolos.

  9. You see, Tan, I vos afraid you kill all dem Filibenos off pefore I could git here.

  10. Dot veller Hartly is der very chap to helb me oud mit my scheme," he muttered, "und ve must escape from here, pefore der smugglers return.

  11. I'll pet a half-dollar I find oud somedings pefore I leave der blace.

  12. Dat ish so, mynheer, and I dinks von vill valk dese shtreets pefore morning goomes," returned Hans, echoing the laugh.

  13. She cannot say it shust pe vorts, or tat tere pe much of ta sense in it; but it pe fery like what ta pabes will say pefore tey pekin to speak it properly.

  14. And if she couldn't pe lofing you no more, my son, she would pe tie pefore her time, and her tays would pe long in ta land under ta crass, my son.

  15. We aal come from ta same first paarents; put tat will be a fery long way off, pefore ta clans cot tokether.

  16. Put what 'll pe ta use of ketting her eyes open pefore she 'll pe up?

  17. Cod she had killed herself pefore she hurted her poy!

  18. Her poy will be a creat pard some tay, and sing pefore ta Stuart kings, when they come pack to Holyrood!

  19. I am already t'e socks putting on pefore I remember I do not need t'em!

  20. Arount all right I toorn him, His het pefore him now, Und streecks!

  21. I eshked vone men vor hees sheck, Id vas yoost pefore hees deadth; But I vound he hadn't no dime, He vas drawing hees lasht breadth.

  22. Now I vood say doo de doketors, Yoost pefore id vas doo late, Dond naifer loose your batients, Und you'll suckseed fushtrate.

  23. Der tam Repel vill be here pefore Mackferson gits pack from der dinner time.

  24. Vel I ish peen von leetle pit hungry dish morning, und I yust gobble you up for mein lunch pefore tinner dime.

  25. Und you haf arisdograts who might not pay taxes, and who holt all der offices, and get all der pooblic money, and who ist petter pefore de law, in all dings, dan ast dem dat be not arisdograts?

  26. I haf a few worts of importance to say to you pefore I go, ant if t'ey pe not sait now, t'ey nefer may pe sait at all.

  27. I'm like a man t'at hast peen walkin' over a wite plain, ant who hast come to its tarmination, where he sees pefore him an entless apyss into which he must next step.

  28. I am glat to see Frank pefore I tie, first to take leaf of him, as an olt frient, ant secontly to place his sister, Dus, in his care.

  29. Finer squaps arn't often met wit'; and I too shoult like amazingly to see one more roost pefore I go to roost myself.

  30. You must tell me t'at, Tousantacres, pefore I gif cretit to your title.

  31. He shall go pefore the shirra as sure as my name iss John Cameron!

  32. Dey frighten de coontry, Dey ploonder de town; And when dey are oop Die Franzosen co down: For pefore de wild Norsemen De Southron must flee; Ab ira Normannorum Libera nos Domine!

  33. For a yar will nod be ofer Pefore de Frantsch will run, Und de game at last be ented, Und Italy pe won.

  34. So de veller cot elegded pefore de beople foundt On vhitch site of der coose it vas he shtick so awful soundt.

  35. Next tay in Vaticano, while he shtared at frescoes o'er him, Hans toorned und mit amazemend saw der Pabst vas shoost pefore him!

  36. Until in de Bulgaren Von night his horse he strode, Und meet a tausand Kossacks Pefore him on de road.

  37. Vhen de meeding vas gesempled, und dey found no Schmit vas dere, Dey looket at von anoder mit a ganz erstaunished air; But dey saw it glear as taylighd, und around a vink dere ran, Vhen pefore dem rose de shiant form of Copitain Breitemann!

  38. Und ash dis liddle frase berhops vas nod do oos bekannt, He dakes de liberdy do make dat ve shall oonder-shtand, And vouldt dell a liddle shdory vitch dook blace pefore de wars: Here der Breitmann nod to Trina, und she bass aroundt cigars.

  39. For dey frighten de coontry, Dey ploonder de town; Und when dey are oop De Franzosen go down; For pefore de wild Norsemen Weak Southrons moost flee, Ab ira Normannorum Libera nos Domine!

  40. Dis boem was all written in 1869, pefore de wars; und all de dings prophezeit in it coomed to bass.

  41. Dere's nod a man pefore oos who lossed a shpoon by me: Far rader had I gife you all a shpoons to eaten mit, Und I hope to ged a ladle for mein friendt, der Mishder Schmit.

  42. But he starts a long time pefore we starts," said Otto.

  43. He told me he would meet me at the crossing, if I didn't reach him pefore till it was come dark.

  44. Vell, you are virst; you pick oop all you gan pefore dey gom, und nopody know, for you shoot oop your mouth and hold your dongue.

  45. She can speak her ainsel' when she wants, and she ton't want; for she'll stop in ta galley the noo till we get pack to Glasgie and goo pefore ta magistrates aboot it.

  46. The pear always hugs her pefore she eats her oop," thought Watty, as he lay there shivering with dread, this being the only movement he could contrive, feeling as he did that if he attempted to escape the great animal would seize him.

  47. He's an unstiddy character, an' he hes naither the fear o' Cod nor man pefore his eyes.

  48. It iss my opeenion that they wull pe all wantin' to co away sooth pefore long.

  49. I took ten poun'ss of skin an' hair out of him pefore th' police came.

  50. Tamm you, I wass steerin' by th' win' pefore you wass porn, aye!

  51. Take the money,' said Mr MacTavish firmly; 'he will peg my pardon pefore I drink another drop in his company.

  52. It iss anither gless o' whusky ye'll pe taking now, Mr Cameron, pefore ye tak' the road this cauld nicht?

  53. I vouldt like to findt a chest full mit bieces oof eight und dot odder druck vat birates used to take from peobles pefore dey made dem valk der blank.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pefore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.