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Example sentences for "tam"

Lexicographically close words:
talons; talpoides; taluk; taluks; talus; tamala; tamale; tamales; tamandua; tamanous
  1. E pure qualche cosa come un'onda magnetica a traverso le cortine veniva a penetrarmi; qualche cosa a cui non resistevo.

  2. But every tam de leetle moon com' I tak' som' mor' grub to de cache.

  3. Wan tam I trap um on de shore of de lak'.

  4. Every tam he pull, de clog com' 'long a leetle, an' all he do is drag de stick.

  5. Nex' tam we got plenty rabbit skin for set de snare--de loup cervier she run all winter, anyhow.

  6. In de winter tam de carcajo got he's own place to hunt.

  7. Nex' tam we dig out de den bear we bring de big gun 'long.

  8. We got plenty rabbit today--mebbe-so nex' tam we ain' got none.

  9. OLHOS DE JUDIA No transparente olhar das virgens da Allemanha Nada um fluido subtil tam pleno de scismar, Que a gente cuida ouvir uma sonata extranha Num castello do Rheno em noites de luar.

  10. Hence may we account for the obscurity, and even for the apparent absurdity, of some passages in his work.

  11. All worthi men at redys this rurall dyt, Blaym nocht the buk, set I be wnperfyt.

  12. I suld hawe thank, sen I nocht trawaill spard; For my laubour na man hecht me reward; Na charge I had off king nor othir lord; Gret harm I thocht his gud deid suld be smord.

  13. A few days later again we were greeting Tam at the homestead.

  14. Tam's horse was young and untutored, and, getting out of hand, carried Tam away beyond the buildings.

  15. By nine o'clock Mac and Tam had arrived, and after everything had been sufficiently admired, we trooped in a body to the kitchen, obedient to a call from Cheon.

  16. Later in the same day, the flood having fallen, it was decided that it would be well to cross the horses in the rear of a boat, and we were all at the river discussing preparations, when Tam electrified the community by joining the group.

  17. So is preserved the memory of the severity of ancient criminal law.

  18. Even in districts distinguished by severity of moral doctrines, it does not appear that any attempt was made to interfere with the liberty of youth.

  19. Meanwhile the candidate, in a separate room, is prepared by two knights for the ceremony; these instruct him in his behavior, until the embassy arrives to lead him before the Grand Master.

  20. In Austria the same game is called "conferring knighthood.

  21. But they all speak English also, are familiar with the songs which American children sing, and employ these too in their sports.

  22. A platter is brought in, and a child, rising, asks the judge, "May I go into the middle of the room?

  23. When all have replied, the questioner returns to the first child, and puts all sorts of questions, which must be answered by the article which he before gave to the kitchen, and by no other word.

  24. The nursery, we see, does not understand republicanism.

  25. A few games, it is true, appear to have been lately imported from England or Ireland, or borrowed from the French or the German; but these make up only a small proportion of the whole.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tam" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.