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Example sentences for "peculiarly interesting"

  • What makes this latter instance more peculiarly interesting, is the fact that over the churchyard wall on the west, in a small grass field, traditionally called the Castle Field, there is the well-preserved plan of a Saxon lordly mansion.

  • This dialect is peculiarly interesting as being that from which the West Saxon was developed; in other words, it is the earliest form of that imperial dialect in which the great body of extant Saxon literature is preserved.

  • It is peculiarly interesting, when an inscription is exhumed that gives us back a contemporary monument, however slight, of that Anglian Church which was the first-fruit of Christianity in our nation.

  • Amongst them is one which, at the moment of writing, is peculiarly interesting.

  • It is an ideal spot, and one which must be peculiarly interesting to Sir Francis, owing to its being in the centre of a piece of country closely allied with a period of history in which he is so deeply read.

  • Here the great struggle between conscience and desire, the rivalry of culture and restraint, the choice between Athens and Jerusalem, will present a peculiarly interesting spectacle.

  • It is peculiarly interesting to remember that the figure of the sweet singer grew into the centre of a great religious creed.

  • It is peculiarly interesting to contrast the story of Medusa with its Hebrew parallel in Lot's wife.

  • It is peculiarly interesting on account of its double edge, for it shows us both the high possibilities of ideal beauty and the deepest depths of pagan horror.

  • But you will allow their exterior appearance is not so peculiarly interesting to the uninformed spectator as that of a fine painting.

  • This feint is peculiarly interesting, and its origin and persistence are difficult to account for.

  • Accompanying these instructive modes of response and their emotions are suggestions of peculiarly interesting problems as well as of modes of attacking them.

  • His ultimate failure to solve the second problem is peculiarly interesting, although in the light of other features of his behavior by no means indicative of inferior intelligence.

  • The outcome of my experiments with problem 4 is peculiarly interesting in that it indicates the importance of a favorable attitude toward the work and the extreme risk from disturbing or discouraging conditions.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peculiarly interesting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    assured himself; back pressure; dear general; definite amount; each color; endless torment; express words; independent company; kingly power; light railway; like fashion; like forms; marked thus; minute particles; officio members; peculiarly interesting; stood gazing; the book; thou dear; uncommon degree; vertical position; without further