The modern concrete foundations were then unknown, and the plan adopted was to remove the peaty soil and to lay timber on the underlying gravel.
The site was unsuited for building operations, consisting mostly of washed and peaty soil; it had been known for generations as "the fishponds close.
It is not necessary that this organic part of the soil should form any particular proportion of the whole, and indeed we find it varying from one and a half to fifty, and sometimes, in peaty soils, to over seventy per cent.
Prefers loamy soil on sunny slopes; dry, rocky hills; also borders of lakes and streams, peaty swamps.
A more elevated part of the same peaty formation constitutes the bottom of the valley in which Tor Abbey stands.
As to the "kitchen-middens," they correspond in date to the older portion of the peaty record, or to the earliest part of the age of stone as known in Denmark.
In the blackpeaty mass Number 5, fragments of wood of the oak, yew, and fir have been recognised.
They may well represent a silted up river-channel, which remained for a time in the state of a lake or mere, and in which the black peaty mass B accumulated by a very slow growth over the gravel of the river-bed A.
The pelvic bone might, I conceived, have acquired its black colour by having lain for years or centuries in a dark superficial peaty soil, common in that region.
Yet, by multiplying observations of this kind, and bringing one to bear upon and check another, we may eventually succeed in obtaining data for estimating the age of the peaty deposit.
Sometimes entire skeletons have been discovered within a few feet of the surface, inpeaty earth at the bottom of small ponds, which the agriculturists had drained.
Much of it was red with heather; much of the rest broken up with bogs and hags and peaty pools; some had been burnt black in a heath-fire; and in another place there was quite a forest of dead firs, standing like skeletons.
Accordingly, I lay down to sleep; a little peatyearth had drifted in between the top of the two rocks, and some bracken grew there, to be a bed to me; the last thing I heard was still the crying of the eagles.
Whether with the sea salt, or because I was growing fevered, I was distressed with thirst, and had to stop, as I went, and drink the peaty water out of the hags.
Much of it was red with heather; much of the rest broken up with bogs and hags and peaty pools; some had been burnt black in a heath fire; and in another place there was quite a forest of dead firs, standing like skeletons.
It thrives best in a moist, peaty soil; flowers from May to July, and may readily be increased either by seed or division.
It does best when planted under trees, or in partial shade on rock-work, in well-drained, good loamy or peaty soil mixed with a fair proportion of brick rubble.
Ornamental, hardy herbaceous perennials, with large handsome foliage, and dense plumes of flowers, requiring a peaty soil for their successful cultivation.
It is most at home in a well-drained yet moist peaty soil, and kept in a frame or on a shady border, where it will bloom in June.
They all need a peaty soil, and may be increased by grafting on to the common Spurge Laurel.
A rich orpeaty mould suits this half-hardy perennial.
It is for this reason that strong loams and clay soils absorb and hold three times as much water as sandy soils do, while peaty or humus soils absorb a still larger proportion.
It is for this reason also that clay and peaty soils more often need draining than sandy soils.
The flood-gates of heaven had been opened during the night, and Smith's Island shaken to its peatyfoundations by great thunder-peals.
A fruitless search; no sign of a horse could be seen, beyond the trampled space where he had stood the previous night, and a few hoof-prints in the soft, peaty soil elsewhere.
The subsoil ice is sheltered by the vegetation and the peaty soil resting on it, from the heat of the short summers, and the part softened by the summer's sun is refrozen during the long intensely cold winters.
The soils are thin, for the reason that under the present climatic conditions rock decay is retarded, and are confined principally to the depression where peaty material has accumulated.
The time since the melting of the glaciers has been too short for a new soil to form, except in the valleys and depressions among the bare glaciated hills, which hold a peaty accumulation resulting from the partial decay of vegetation.
The right kind of soil has everything to do with success in growing fine Fuchsias; it should be of a light peaty quality, with one-third cow manure, and thoroughly mixed together until well decayed.
Fill the box within an inch of the top with fine, rich, peaty loam, and all will be ready to receive the plants.
It grows well in peaty soil, is very hardy, and may be increased by means of offsets.
For rock gardening, or planting on the margins of beds in light, peaty soil, this is one of the handsomest and most beautiful of hardy creeping shrubs.
It is a pretty bush, and grows freely enough in any good garden soil, but very fine flowering specimens may be seen in light, sandy soil of a peaty nature.
It grows freely in sandy peaty soil of a light nature.
Peaty soil suits it well, and repeated trials have clearly proved that it is hardy, at least in the South of England.
In too dry situations it becomes sparse of foliage and unhappy, but grows and flowers freely in light, peaty soil.
It is of free growth in any good light peaty or sandy soil.
They all grow well either in light, rich loam, or in sandy, peaty earth, and are usually propagated by grafting.
To grow this shrub to perfection, peaty soil or decayed vegetable matter will be found most suitable.
It succeeds best in a somewhat shady situation, and when planted in not too heavy peaty soil, but where abundance of not stagnant moisture is present.
Planted in favoured sites, they usually grow freely in light, peaty soil, or that containing a large admixture of decayed leaf soil.
The mammalian remains, obtained from this quarry, occurred in a peaty layer between two thin beds of sand and gravel which lay beneath a mass of 'till,' and rested directly on the sandstone rock.
Dawson found a hardened peaty bed under the bowlder-clay, in Canada, which "contained many small roots and branches, apparently of coniferous trees allied to the spruces.
To the northward, more particularly to the east of Smoky river, peatyand mossy swamps occupy part of the surface, and these may be regarded as permanently unsuited to agriculture.
The black is simply charcoal; while the white-ground coat is obtained from a species of infusorial clay, which he finds at the bottom of the peaty streams, that pour down the ravines of the mountains.
These forests grow out of a wet, peaty soil,--in many places impassable on account of its boggy nature; and of this character is almost the whole surface of the different islands.
As the Tees approaches the cliff at the Cauldron, it lingers for a long distance in a most unnaturally sluggish deep, black and gloomy in appearance from the peaty water and known as the Weald, or Wheale.
Long before arriving there, however, it crosses the infant Exe, a peatybrook piping in feeble strains amid the silence of the hills.
The Avon, like all its sisters, starts life as a peaty burn prattling for many miles through the silence of the moors.
In the wild Dartmoor wanderings of its two branches to their junction at Dartmeet it has all the qualities and atmosphere which we look for, and many of us greatly love, of a typical moorland peaty stream.
It likes a deep peatysoil or loam and leaf-mould on a moist bottom, and, like the Lapageria and its dwarf cousin Philesia, it enjoys a northern or shaded aspect, rarely thriving for long together in full sunshine.
On the peatyformations in Surrey and Hampshire where Rhododendrons succeed so well, many Conifers thrive exceedingly well also.
In the south-west it does well in the open against a north wall, in peaty compost, often bearing its flowers as late as Christmas.
It likes a peaty or sandy soil, and is longer-lived and more profuse flowering under cultivation in poor rather than rich soil.
Trees, for the orchard, should never be grown upon a mucky or peaty soil.
As elsewhere observed, peaty and mucky soils do not produce roots of a character well adapted to transplanting into upland soil.
The broad strips of bracken glowed red and yellow against the black peaty soil, and a queenly doe who grazed among them turned her white front and her great questioning eyes towards the wayfarers.
Considering the nature and dampness of this peaty soil, it is surprising that the fine ridges on the outside of the Venus are perfectly preserved, though all the shells have a blackened appearance.
The shells were closely packed together, embedded in and covered by a very black, damp, peaty mould, two or three feet in thickness, out of which a forest of great trees was growing.
I have, also, shown that the black, peaty soil, in which the shells at the height of 350 feet at Chiloe were packed, contained many minute fragments of marine animals.
There is an impression among English writers, that light peaty soils may be too much drained; but many distinguished drainers doubt the proposition.
Peaty soils and strong clays are very absorbent of water, although not always the best for cultivation.
It was easy to follow their spoor in the soft, peaty soil, and a quarter of a mile away I came on him lying dead.
Potash is much esteemed in agriculture, more especially on light land (which is frequently deficient in it) and on peaty soils, and for use with root crops and potatoes in particular.
The depressions known as the Curragh, now drained but stillpeaty in places, probably represent the sites of late glacial lakes.
The amount of lime which soils contain is a very variable one, chalk soils being very rich in lime, whereas sandy and peaty soils are generally very poor in it.
Peat, peat bogs, and swamps are very common throughout Iceland, and in most of the depressions in the hillsides and along the river valleys a peaty growth is to be found.
At first our course lay over soft peaty ground, but afterwards we were obliged to pick our way over expanses of great boulders.
At the hotel at Husavik the skyr was of the best quality, as indeed it was at most of the farms, though sometimes it had a distinctly peaty flavour that was due to the nature of the surrounding country.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peaty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.