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Example sentences for "peart"

Lexicographically close words:
pearling; pearlite; pearls; pearly; pears; peas; peasant; peasantry; peasants; peascod
  1. Being drawn against Fawcett in one of the rounds, Peart lifted him like a child, and while holding him dangling in the air, asked, in a swaggering manner, where he would like to be laid.

  2. To one of these meetings, came Cuthbert Peart from Weardale, a powerful well built man, weighing sixteen stones nine pounds.

  3. Only eighteen wrestlers entered the ring, and the men who competed in the last two rounds, with the victor, were Joseph Peart and Francis Wilson, the latter named being second.

  4. We-uns don't ketch fire down in the Cove, though mebbe we ain't so peart ez folks ez herd tergether like sheep an' sech.

  5. Cock your li'l nose high, an' be peart an' gay.

  6. I'm allowed to be peart enough in matters o' business anyway, though no farmer o' course, arter this.

  7. There didn't seem to be much "peart up" in the woman, who began at once to cry.

  8. She's right smart younger than I am, and I've got eight children and five grandchildren, peart and lively as rabbits.

  9. Peart up a little, can't you, and speak to him.

  10. Yes, she's purty an' ez peart as she kin be 96 Hark, hark!

  11. Yes, she's purty an' ez peart ez she kin be.

  12. He wuz a peart ole nigger, do', en could do a big day's wuk.

  13. He's mighty peart about sech things, is Jonas, and got as good a heart as you ever see.

  14. The hens is beginnin' to lay more peart since the warm spell sot in.

  15. And he gave it so heartily that the farmers went home, market-peart and rejoicing, laughed at their doubting neighbors, and quoted a hundred things that Lawyer Stubbs had not said.

  16. Lorency had a bad time over her baby, but she's 'round again as peart as ever.

  17. She could only say that he had ridden there on a "right peart mule" and was a "right smart-looking boy.

  18. You got to hab a strong back and feel peart all ober.

  19. She wuz jes' ez peart ez she could be w'en she flopped down dar on de flo'.

  20. Ef'n you ax me, I 'ud let down all dem winders, en stuff up de chinks wid rags twel Letty was peart enuff ter be outer dat baid.

  21. Look at that thing, Miss Gibbie, peart as the first crocus and proud as cuffy when the weather was good, and at the first touch of dampness or discouragement flop it goes, and no more spirit than a convict in court!

  22. I hope you's feelin' as peart as a young duck after a good rain, this mornin'.

  23. You'se a mighty peart little gal, an' does youse blood an' broughten up jestice.

  24. There was a tricksy girl, I wot, albeit clad in gray, As peart as bird, as straight as bolt, as fresh as flowers in May.

  25. You look a leetle slim, but you'll look peart enough when we git you down to Charlton, and you see some of your ground wuth fifteen dollar a front foot!

  26. Yer lookin' a little white in the gills, but peart and sassy, ez usual.

  27. But I reckon I never seen ye look so peart afore, Olly; who's been here?

  28. A while ago he was all down in the mouth, and now he's peart as a cricket.

  29. That gal, and a mighty peart gal she was too, was there, but she sorter fought shy of me.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peart" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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