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Example sentences for "pawed"

Lexicographically close words:
pavilions; pavillion; paving; pavor; paw; pawing; pawkie; pawky; pawl; pawls
  1. Other than the silken breathing of the horses, an occasional muffled thud or the jingle of a bridle-chain as one pawed the earth or tossed his head, they heard no sound.

  2. The attention of the Count of Mans was attracted by Borak, who fretted, pranced, champed his bit, and pawed the ground, impatient to return to his celestial stable.

  3. The horses, no less impatient than their masters, whinnied and pawed the ground.

  4. The more they pawed the deeper they went.

  5. They made the night hideous with their howlings, and pawed and scratched and dug at the snow by the doorway, determined to come in and make a meal of everything the dugout contained, myself included.

  6. He looked it over, and pawed it, wagging his tail doubtfully.

  7. Then, with an air of elaborate indifference, he pawed a feather from the corner of his mouth and trotted away as if he had just remembered something.

  8. King snorted, pawed the dust a bit, but trotted on when Drew urged him.

  9. Boyd pawed at his shoulder as they burst into a street at the bone-shaking gallop which was the mule's fastest gait.

  10. Rearing, until he stood almost upright on his hind feet, the stallion pawed the air.

  11. He seemed to understand that something was wrong with Cal, for he pawed the ground and neighed and whinnied as if asking, "What does this mean?

  12. Dick pawed the ground, but he said nothing.

  13. Dick neighed discontentedly, and pawed the sand, for he was thirsty, but he made no other answer.

  14. He pawed the ground and looked around to see if anything like grass or corn was also forthcoming.

  15. Never until that hour, however, since the grass began to grow, had precisely such a horse pawed and fretted there, while precisely such a boy sat in the saddle and looked around.

  16. Thaouka alone pawed the ground, seeking to break his halter, and ready to rush out.

  17. At noon, seven fine hunters pawed the ground at the gate of the house.

  18. Again a bugle blew sharply from the barracks, and a troop of cavalry danced and pawed through the gate, clattering away down the Rue de Seine.

  19. The horses of a squadron of hussars pawed and champed across the avenue, the men, in their pale blue jackets, presenting a cool relief to the universal glare.

  20. The Sorrel Colt A sorrel colt, one pleasant day, ran round and round a stack of hay, and kicked its heels, and pawed the land, and reared and jumped to beat the band.

  21. Thunderbolt stood on his hind legs and pawed deliberately at the heavens.

  22. Lollypop and Silvertail got well away, but the young horse merely pawed the air.

  23. When it saw its mistress approaching, it turned its head toward her with a joyful neigh and impatiently pawed the ground.

  24. The old bull pawed dust and blew steam from his nostrils, which was a perfectly safe thing to do in case the story didn't turn out to his liking.

  25. Kittenlike he rolled And pawed about her sandal.

  26. The enemy now concentrated a sharp fire upon Armitage, whose horse snorted and pawed the ground as the balls cut the air and earth.

  27. A keen wind whistled across the ridge and the horses pawed the unstable ground restlessly.

  28. Then the two of them found a spot which they pawed to make more soft, and doubling their front knees they sank slowly to the ground and soon lay sleeping side by side.

  29. When they met, Star pawed the ground in his delight, and his mother kept nipping his shoulder with her teeth to tell how glad she was to find him.

  30. Star reached him, and as they faced each other, the Big Gray Horse lifted a front hoof and pawed the ground lightly.

  31. He was not a beast for peaceful uses; he was the war-horse, whose neck was clothed with thunder, who pawed the earth when he heard the shouting of the captains.

  32. The bull, a vicious one, was left alone in the ring, and his temper soon showed signs of extreme shortness as he pawed the dirt, tossing it above his shoulders.

  33. Finally he literally pawed and cut a path, much as if he were digging in the sand for water.

  34. He snorted and whistled and pawed the earth.

  35. Rising on his hind-feet, he pawed the front door vigorously.

  36. At the first thundering report the steeds began to rear and plunge; at the second they grew quite still, alertly pricking up their ears; one or two of the old racers slightly pawed the ground.

  37. The good steed, as if he understood what was said to him, pawed the ground and arched his head.

  38. Outside, their horses pawed on the Rue, their boats were tied at the river.

  39. Beautiful dun deer snorted and pawed the leaves, then half trusting, half timorous, slipped into the thicket.

  40. There was coffee, though they had to scrape it up from the ground after it had been pawed over by the marauders, but the boys were glad enough to have the coffee even in such a condition.

  41. The bear ate two pounds of butter that he had pawed from the table.

  42. When the animal pawed the ground and snorted Stacy shivered again, yet seemed unable to run.

  43. Andy pawed aside some dead leaves that seemed to have blown into the stump and revealed his fox traps.

  44. The buck arched his swollen neck, shook his antlers and pawed the ground.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pawed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.