The apparent pathways of the birds seen in one hour.
The difficulty lies in the impossibility of reading the slants of the pathways on the moon precisely and in the three-dimensional nature of movement through space.
This formula, requiring thirty-five separate computations for the pathways reproduced in Figure 12 alone, is far too-consuming for the handling of large quantities of data.
As I have already pointed out, the flight directions of birds may be recorded with convenience and a fair degree of objectivity by noting the slant of their apparent pathways across the disc of the moon.
The observed cooerdinates of birds' pathways across the moon are the projected product of two component angles--the compass direction of the flight and its slope off the horizontal, or gradient.
Since the cooerdinates of the birds' apparent pathways at Beloit were given, I at first entertained the hope of computing the flight densities rigorously, by the method herein employed.
But these apparent pathways are seldom the real pathways.
Since individually computed directions are not very reliable in any event, little is to be lost by treating the observed pathways in groups.
Experienced computers eliminate a step by directly plotting the pathways through center, using a transparent plastic straightedge ruled off in parallel lines.
When a small telescope, mounted on a tripod, is focused on the moon, the birds that pass before the moon's disc may be seen and counted, and their apparent pathways recorded in terms of cooerdinates.
These apparentpathways can be designated in a simple manner.
Was it strange that in the dark pathways of the court I watched your footsteps come and go, carrying radiance with you?
Dere are little pathways running up among de coral rock, and a few white houses.
The pathways of cliffs ordinarily imply a not very inviting declivity; they offer themselves less as a road than as a fall; they sink rather than incline.
The lanes in the neighbourhood of the fair-ground were deserted pathways between enclosed gardens.
But the sullen Scribe replied "Our pathways here divide; Mine leadeth not thy way.
The pathways of the forest, The clouds that canopy the setting sun And even the little river in the meadows Are stained with it!
Then tell me, Witch and woman, For you must know the pathways through this wood, Where lieth Salem Village?
Ye torrents, that with might and main Break pathways through the rocky walls, With your terrific waterfalls Fatigue no more my weary brain!
My observations on glacial pathways in the High Sierra, and especially about Lake Tahoe, have greatly modified my views as to the nature of glacial erosion.
Said he: Last summer I had again an opportunity of examining the pathways of some of the ancient glaciers of the Sierra.
Less grand and diversified in mountain forms than many from peaks above the Yosemite, it has added beauty of extensive water surface, and the added interest of several glacial pathways in a limited space.
The pathways of three of these glaciers I studied somewhat carefully, and after a few preliminary remarks, will describe in some detail.
Draw diagrams showing the impulse pathways in voluntary and in reflex action.
All such pathways are through the central nervous system.
The bulb, because of certain special reflex-action pathways completed through it, is the portion of the central nervous system concerned in the control of respiration, circulation, and the secretion of liquids.
Through the branching of the nerve fibers manypathways are open to the impulses.
The voluntary pathways are not distinct from, but include, reflex pathways, a fact which explains why the same external stimulus may excite both reflex and voluntary action (Fig.
The development of secondary reflexes probably consists in the establishment of fixed pathways for impulses through the nervous system.
From all portions of the body surface, afferent pathways may be traced to the cerebrum; and from the cerebrum efferent pathways extend to all the voluntary organs.
Was it strange that in the dark pathways of the Court I watched your footsteps come and go, carrying radiance with you?
Howsoever it starts you may be sure that it seeks a way out, and prefers pathways already traversed.
Nerve pathways should then be guarded with respect to what enters.
These systems of pathwayswill be described in a later paragraph.
An abundance of nervous energy is very advantageous, for, as has been intimated in a former chapter, nervous energy is diffused and spread over all the pathways that are easily permeable to its distribution.
It may not manifest itself at once in overt action, but it affects the motorpathways and either weakens or strengthens connections so that when the opportunity comes, some act will be furthered or hindered.
It should also be observed that pathways made early have more chances of being used than those made recently.
Another maxim which will obviously prevent undesirable pathways is, go slowly at first.
The pathwaysfor complex acts, such as speaking English or French, or writing, are not formed at birth but must be built up within the life-time of the individual.
The first is: Guard the pathways leading to the brain.
As may be expected from our preliminary study of the nervous system, we see their first effects upon the motor pathways leading out to the muscles.
Upon this summer evening, when happy people were still lingering amongst the wild flowers in shady lanes, or in the dusky pathways by the quiet river, Olivia sat alone, staring at the candles.
There were ever so many different pathways through the woody labyrinth at the back of the Towers.
If she would only condescend to see the child, the poor pale neglected flower, the fragile lily, the frail exotic blossom, that was so cruelly out of place upon the bleak pathways of life!
Upon Fort Orange converged the score of land and water pathways of the fur trade of our North.
On such inland pathways as this, early travelers came to take for granted a hospitality not to be found on more frequented thoroughfares.
Both of these pathways were essentially the fruition of the doctrine to which Washington gave wide circulation in his letter to Harrison in 1784, wherein he pictured the vision of a vast Republic united by commercial chains.
Some of the most revolting crimes of the American frontier were committed on these northward pathways and their branches.
Upon the valleys of these two rivers converged the two deeply wornpathways of the Puritan, the Old Bay Path and the Connecticut Path.
Secrets of the green pathways that lead up through the blue silent fields of space - shall we float from star to star?
Higher speeds (400 or more feet in one hour) were for turtles moving along pathways or seeking shelter.
This is the point to which the pathways of your lives have tended.
But the pathways of our lives crossed at last, and the woman who nursed him came to this house four days ago.
So many troubled hearts to soothe, So many pathwaysrough to smooth, So many comforting words to say, To the hearts that falter along the way.
Only a song; but the music, Though simply pure and sweet, Brought back to better pathways The reckless roving feet.
God's pitying love doth seek us; He leads us to his rest; And from a thousand pathways He chooses what is best.
Indeed, it looks as if the navy of the future will tend first to the submersible types and later abandon the sea for the air, and the "illimitable pathways of the sea" will yield to still more illimitable pathways of the sky.
The perilous pathways and the surrounding trees were filled with the black ape-men, their females, and their young.
May the choicest of earth's blessings Their pathways ever strew!
Behind the ancient houses in Quay Street rises the steep, grassy cliff, up which one must climb by various rough pathways to the fortified summit.
One of these lines or pathways was destined for the orbit of Mercury; another for the orbit of Venus.
The gloomy pathways of Fate cannot be studied without profound anguish of heart.
In this way it is determined along whatpathways and to what organs the ordinary vital stimulation passes from the brain, provided it be granted that the electric current takes the same course.
This consists in observing the progress of natural or artificially produced disease or damage to the tissues, mainly the nervous tissues, with a view to discovering the directions of pathways and the locations of connected functions.
It is a very important part of the brain, because all the nervepathways in from the sense organs, and from the brain out to the muscles, pass through it.
From these extend nervous pathways to various bodily structures.
Comparing the pathways over which the nervous disturbances pass to railroad tracks these places in the brain are often spoken of as the “arrival platforms” of the various senses.
The central nervous system, which is the place where all these much-branched pathwaysare and where all the nerve junctions are located, is made up of two chief parts, the brain and the spinal cord.
For example, there are two centers having to do with the activity of the heart, and both of these have nerve pathways leading to that organ.
We now see that what happens in the body is determined by which of the possible pathways is followed by the nervous disturbance.
There is such a pathway, and it is one of the best marked of all the nerve pathways of the body.
This is connected with other parts of the central nervous system in such a way that pathways from organs of equilibrium and from the organs of muscle and joint sense lead into it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pathways" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.