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Example sentences for "paroxysms"

Lexicographically close words:
parotid; parotitis; parousia; paroxysm; paroxysmal; parquet; parquetry; parquette; parrakeet; parrakeets
  1. This without doubt added to the sensibility of his nervous system, which the violent commotions of a certain malady (to the paroxysms of which he had had many relapses, especially in his youth) had refined to an extreme point.

  2. Naught do I see but paroxysms of rage, rivers of blood, or maddened frenzy.

  3. Not a murmur or a groan escaped her lips in the most violent paroxysms of pain.

  4. The sufferings of this lady have excited the sympathy of the world, as the first paroxysms of her distress moved the kind but firm heart of Washington.

  5. A fit of the most passionate tears, the paroxysms of which seemed almost to suffocate her, prevented her replying to us; and we left that poor girl surrounded with her weeping family, trying in vain to comfort her.

  6. In addition to the stigmata and the paroxysms of ecstasy, Louise declared that she did not sleep, had eaten or drank nothing for four years, had had no fæcal evacuation for three years and a half, and that the urine was entirely suppressed.

  7. Upon receiving the intelligence of her sister's departure, Madame Adelaide gave way to violent paroxysms of rage, and reproached the King bitterly for the secret, which he had thought it his duty to preserve.

  8. On the morrow, still no Nancy came; and I passed the day in alternate paroxysms of rage and sorrow.

  9. Yet, I beseech you to urge Sir Thomas carefully to avoid any strong expressions of sorrow when his nephew arrives, for I have the grief to tell you that Mr. Murden's reason is shaken: and dreadful paroxysms may follow the slightest agitation.

  10. The former pain at the pit of the stomach recurs by intervals, as the bile-stone is pushed against the neck of the duct; like the paroxysms of the stone in the urinary bladder, the other is a more dull and constant pain.

  11. And if this activity be catenated with the diurnal circle of actions, an increasing inflammation is produced; as in the evening paroxysms of small-pox, and other fevers with inflammation.

  12. These vicissitudes of exertion and inertion of the arterial system constitute the paroxysms of remittent fevers; or intermittent ones, when there is an interval of the natural action of the arteries between the exacerbations.

  13. But if between the paroxysms he were confronted with the facts he would own them, no matter how much they told against him.

  14. She was seized with hydrophobia from the bite of her dog, on a railroad train; and made a long journey home in the paroxysms of that agonizing disease, which ended in her death after she reached New York.

  15. He had terrified judges and keepers by his violent paroxysms of rage, and, to punish and subdue him, had been put in chains.

  16. A relapse of intense agitation set in when she was dressed; she passed through nervous paroxysms brought on by the dreadful power which sets the whole mind in ferment.

  17. Never did a gamester, whose whole fortune is staked on one cast of the die, experience the anguish which Edmond felt in his paroxysms of hope.

  18. These repeated paroxysms hurry the course of the disease.

  19. During the paroxysms respiration is hurried and laboured, but tranquil during the remissions.

  20. Emaciation rapidly sets in, and the paroxysms diminish in intensity, while the remissions become less marked.

  21. Jimmy Phoebus shouted, with one of his Greek paroxysms of temper on, as his dark skin and black-cherry eyes flamed volcanic.

  22. A time of storm and calm; one of my paroxysms of grief for the dead, and self-blame for omitted duty, succeeded by calm and peacefulness.

  23. Had, as usual, some paroxysms of agonizing feeling, at missing the object once there to meet me, yet grateful to find kind and affectionate friends here.

  24. It was marked by paroxysms or fits, attended by intolerable suffering; while the fit lasted, the victims emitted a noise like the barking of dogs.

  25. An intermittent or paroxysmal character of fevers was made out on various grounds, to suit the traditional Galenic or Greek teaching; but the paroxysms and intermissions were not associated specially with rise and fall of the body-temperature.

  26. Assembling in hundreds, St. Augustine says even in thousands, they leaped with paroxysms of frantic joy from the brows of overhanging cliffs, till the rocks below were reddened with their blood.

  27. In the paroxysms of wild despair, some of the prisoners reviewing the past, went so far as to regret that they had never infringed the laws of the strictest honesty.

  28. She talked with touching affection of her poor husband, afflicted with these strange fits of wolfish mania, in the paroxysms of which he was wont to tear himself and grovel in the dust like a beast.

  29. But from her white palfrey, sitting still where she was, the maiden watched the paroxysms of his sorrow.

  30. At last the paroxysms became less frequent and lost their violence.

  31. Toward morning the paroxysms appeared to reach a climax and then to subside.

  32. He wallowed and threshed about like a suffering animal, beating the earth with his clenched fists, during the paroxysms of cutting, wrenching pain.

  33. Anticipating the usual time; -- applied to a periodical disease whose paroxysms return at an earlier hour at every repetition.

  34. An intermittent fever which returns every fourth day, reckoning inclusively, that is, one in which the interval between paroxysms is two days.

  35. Of course, leave was given instantly, and the maids crowded in, with chattering teeth and many a tale of deeds done by Mrs Plumstead, in her paroxysms of rage.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "paroxysms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.