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Example sentences for "parfect"

Lexicographically close words:
paretic; pareva; parfait; parfaite; parfaitement; parfit; parfleche; parfleches; parfois; parfum
  1. I know this county pretty well, as well as most in it; and if there be a parfect man in Washington county, I have not yet fallen in with him.

  2. Ten millions of imparfect men won't make one parfect man, and so I don't look for perfection in the people any more than I do in princes.

  3. She looked for all the world like one of the Paris fashion prints, for she was a parfect pictur', that's a fact.

  4. Good airth" and seas,' sais I to myself, 'what a parfect pictur of a lazy man that is!

  5. Yes, if a question could talk it would answer itself, to your parfect satisfaction.

  6. I know this county pretty well, as well as most in it; and if there be a parfect man in Washington County, I have not yet fallen in with him.

  7. Ten millions of imparfect men won't make one parfect man, and so I don't look for parfection in the people any more than I do in princes.

  8. She is sure she is parfect, and what will you do, what can you do, wi' a parfect woman?

  9. I can watch the sea and the ships, and feel the winds, and the sunshine, and do my wark, and eat my morsel in parfect peace.

  10. I am that full o' pain and sorrow that Faith's bouncing happiness is a parfect blow in a body's face.

  11. The Domine said sae, and that only God could manage a parfect man or woman.

  12. I hae learned, that when a lass is dying wi' a sair affliction, that there is parfect salvation in a lad.

  13. It got to be parfect pizen to hear of, or see the critters, and the boys got together at last to see what was to be done--the thing had grown parfectly alarmin'.

  14. My perlite note was raisin' a parfect freshet of wrath agin me.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parfect" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.