Only Great Britain and Germany outranked us and Germany’s balance of power was so slight that our advantageous position was deemed sufficient to overcome it.
Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia and Japan outranked us so far that we could not consider ourselves in their class.
Salamanca and Alcalá stood forth as the leading universities, although outranked in legal studies by Valladolid.
She had many passengers, but among them were eleven who outranked all others, if their respective opinions of each other were to be accepted as the true standard of judgment.
As the elected of the largest division of the English-speaking race, he no doubt outranked all other patrons, and the proper way to put it would be "American Presidents and Royalty.
He outranks us--outranked you, then--so we went along.
It seemed reasonable to assume that a star outranked even an eagle, so he stood, coming to attention as the man neared.
Yet even these were often outranked in general estimation by fellows who had neither social position, money, nor learning.
To this end he strained every nerve with such effect that he not only outranked Glen in his own class, but, by working all through two long vacations, gained a whole year on him.
On account of his brilliant record for scholarship and skill with figures, Binney was made rodman, a position that far outranked Glen's and commanded twice his pay.
Like all Regulars he was jealously sensitive about his rank, and one of his first performances was insistence that he outranked Col.
McCulloch was unflinching in his insistence that a Confederate Brigadier-General outranked a State Major-General.
Butler, a criminal lawyer, who knew nothing whatever of the military art, was a major-general by virtue of political influence alone, and as such outranked and dominated officers immeasurably his superiors.
The two fleets were merged, and Schley, outranked by Sampson, became a passenger on his flagship Brooklyn.
Studying at Atkinson Academy, he was prepared to enter Dartmouth College at the age of nineteen years, from which he graduated with high honors in the class of 1843, being only outranked in scholarship by the late Prof.
Do you mean," I asked at last, "that you would be outrankedby every subaltern in the service who holds a royal commission?
We were, in fact, commissioned at the same time and place, but Colonel Nelson received his a moment earlier than I received mine, therefore he outranked me.
On the 12th of May a third arrived and created some technical inconvenience by being commanded by an officer who outranked Commodore Dewey.
Commodore Schley, a genial and open-hearted man, too much given to impulse, though he outranked Sampson, was put under his command.
He continued: "Meanwhile a white chief named Irwin, who outranked Bascom, came to Apache Pass.
Delgadito was so mighty that only the great chief, Mangus Coloradus himself, outranked him.
In half a century Duluth will be outranked in wealth and population by no more than a dozen cities in America.
This city is the second in size of the five Great Lake ports, being outranked only by Chicago.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outranked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.