But the War-leader sent a message to Hound-under-Greenbury, bidding him lead the Shepherds to the chase of the Dusky Men, who were now all fleeing toward the northern outgate of the Market.
But theoutgate up the water is called the Road of War, as this is named the Path of Peace.
Cradock is inclined now to select the Outgate Crag, the second of the four places referred to by Mr. Rawnsley.
Next as to the Outgate crag, which you have chosen.
There can be no doubt that this is the crag 'par excellence' for a wide and extended look-out over all the country between Outgate and Ambleside.
He almost laughed, so suddenly and completely had the proof been afforded him that there was no outgate east or west for a heavy craft so undermanned as his was.
He knew that he had been assisting at one of the last scenes in Barra's complete and minute exploration of the isle--every cave and passage, every entrance to and outgate from it.
But when I foresaw that an outgate would not be very easy, there was nothing I urged more strongly than that they should proceed without me; that I had no wish to throw hindrances in their way, provided they would not force my assent.
For all this, there is no cause that any should take up any prejudice at Christianity: for, for all this their life is sure, and theoutgate is sure and safe.
Be sure then, that our hearts renounce all other ways and means of outgate out of this death, besides Jesus, the resurrection and the life, else it will not be well with us.
Holy One of Israel, or to quarrel with him for any thing he doth; and patiently wait for his outgate and delivery.
He is the short cut (as we used to say), and the nearest way to an outgate of all your burdens.
Now get me my war-gear, and let the first battle get them to the outgate of the garth.
O rare outgate from the scorn of the causeway to the smelting-house of 'Him who hath His fire in Zion!