For the poore is ay prest To plese the riche, And buxom at hise biddynges, For his broke loves; And boxomnesse and boost Arn evere moore at werre, And either hateth oother 9370 In alle maner werkes.
And if the kyng of that kyngdom Come in that tyme There feloun thole sholde Deeth or oother juwise, Lawe wolde he yeve hym lif, If he loked on hym.
Bifore Pilat and oother peple In the place he hoved; Maugree his manye teeth, He was maad that tyme To take the spere in his hond, And justen with Jhesus.
Shal be unkynde til another; Syn Jewes, that we jugge Judas felawes, Eyther of hem helpeth oother 5330 Of that that hem nedeth.
And why that oon theef on the cros Creaunt hym yald Rather than that oother theef, Though thow woldest appose, Alle the clerkes under Crist 7860 Ne kouthe the skile assoille.
And alle that holpen hym to erye, To sette or to sowe, Or any oothermestier That myghte Piers availle, Pardon with Piers Plowman Truthe hath y-graunted.
In oother science it seith, I seigh it in Caton: 5990 Qui simulat verbis, nec corde est fidus amicus, Tu quoque fac simile, sic ars deluditur arte.
The mooste partie of this peple That passeth on this erthe, Have thei worship in this world, Thei wilne no bettre; Of oother hevene than here Holde thei no tale.
Hadde she loked that oother half, And the leef torned, She sholde have founden fele wordes Folwynge therafter, Quod bonum est tenete; Truthe that text made.
And but I it hadde by oother wey, At the laste I stale it; Or priveliche his purs shook, And unpikede hise lokes; Or by nyghte or by daye Aboute was ich evere, Thorugh gile to gaderen The good that ich have.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oother" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.