Travelling onwards we passed through tracts of pasturage, much injured by the enormous conical ants' nests, which were nearly twelve feet high.
The next day (20th) we smoothly glided onwards in our little fleet, and came to a more inhabited district.
Near the springs it was a curious spectacle to behold many of these huge creatures, one set eagerly travellingonwards with outstretched necks, and another set returning, after having drunk their fill.
Only the other day I looked forward to this airy barrier as a definite point in our voyage homewards; but now I find it, and all such resting-places for the imagination, are like shadows, which a man moving onwards cannot catch.
Moving quickly onwards for weeks together, we meet with nothing but the same blue, profoundly deep, ocean.
When they arrive at the back end of their horizontal guide rails, they are, by similar rotatory cams, raised again to the upper horizontal guide rails, which coming into geer with the upper worm shafts, are moved onwards as at first.
He now presses down the handle x till a hook on the under side of the pincers seizes the endless chain as it moves along, when it carries the pincers, and their slip of metal, onwards with it.
From the surface of the water in the deep shaft at G, a gallery is begun of the common dimensions, and pushed onwards till the coal sought after is intersected.
The roller C, of light wood, presses gently with its weight upon the cardings, while they move onwards over the endless cloth, with the running out of the spindle carriage.
The flint-glass articles are placed in their hot state into the tray next the fire, which is moved onwards to a cooler station whenever it is filled, and an empty tray is set in its place.
The other extremity of the screw E is adapted by a washer and pin to the back of the pincers at the point H, so that by turning the handle to the right or the left, we drawonwards or push backwards the pincers and the stuff at pleasure.
Hence, whenever the wire-web is set in progressive motion, it will cause the roller L to revolve upon its surface; and as the paper is progressively made, it will pass onwards with the web under the surface of the roller.
The Megarean farcical entertainments had long spread in the rural districts of Attica, and were now introduced into the city, where from about 460 onwards the "comus" became a matter of public concern.
From this time forward it was increasingly used by popes and canonists in support of the papal pretensions, and from the 12th century onwards became a powerful weapon of the spiritual against the temporal powers.
From 1630 onwards Domenichino was engaged in Naples, chiefly on a series of frescoes (never wholly completed) of the life of St Januarius in the Cappella del Tesoro.
Here it remained until the days of Queen Victoria, being preserved from 1696 onwards in the Chapter House, and only removed in special circumstances, as when it was sent to Southampton for photozincographic reproduction.
From the second half of the 6th century onwards the chorus of satyrs formed a leading feature of the great festival of Dionysus at Athens.
From the time of Vespasian onwards the worship of Isis, always popular with some sections, had a great vogue throughout the western world, and is not without traces in Britain.
From Petrarch onwards the eclogue was a kind of literature that much pleased the Italians.
It whirls onwards now as it has done before my birth, and will do after my death--a revolving mystery, coming none know whence, and going none know whither.
Among my books and my drugs in my lonely den at Mansie I could let the great drove of the human race pass onwards with their politics and inventions and tittle-tattle, and I remained behind stagnant and happy.
From 1417 onwards Drogheda was their chief place of residence and of burial.
The original industry has long since moved onwards to other parts, but the town remains a prosperous market centre, and has a considerable industrial activity.
The later forms in the late 15th century and after, followed the fashion in other materials, and were raised on a tall foot, so that from the 16th century onwards the type of wine glass has hardly changed, except in details.
He had no intention of pushing onwards into Italy.
As Tom walked onwards he realized for the first time in his life what a rustic-looking fellow he must appear.
They bounded forward with an impetus which must have unseated any but an experienced horseman, and then laying themselves along the ground, they fled onwards at a gallop which astonished even Tom by its wild velocity.
Tom began to feel the need of food, and would have stopped and opened his wallet; but the man shook his head and gesticulated, and seemed to urge him onwards at some speed.
He saw that there were half a dozen men spurring onwards in pursuit; but he was full of that fury which gives to men an almost superhuman strength.
From the end of the Stone Age onwards wherever suitable clay was to be found, the potter plied his trade.
While the history of tin mining in Britain prior to the middle of the twelfth century is problematical, there is from that time onwards an immense mass of material bearing upon the subject.
Some critics would throw it onwards to the very close of his life.
The wonderful burst of praise which sprang from David's heart in answer cannot be dealt with here; but clearly from that time onwards a new element had been added to his hopes, and a new object presented to his faith.
It was necessary to make the most of this refreshing if suspicious draught, for now the march onwards promised to be almost entirely waterless, with the enemy possibly mounting guard over any pools which might present themselves.
For two hours I walked onwards across the ridges and valleys.
They took their two lean mountain ponies to the foot of the pass, where they left them in an open beaver meadow, the rocky timber-clad ground being from thence onwards impracticable for horses.
Mounting, he rode onwards through the night, until far beyond the reach of pursuit.
From this pointonwards the prophet is seen in a different position and a different character.
Xenocrates as president from 339 onwards taught that the one and many are principles, only without distinguishing mathematical from formal numbers.
Anjou, and from that time onwards followed the fortunes of Provence.
But in the 5th century the city of Argos vanquished the Mycenaeans, and from that time onwards the city of Argos becomes the political centre of the district, while the Heraeum remains the religious centre.
But the rum-seller's guides paused not, and he kept steadily onwards after them, shrinking now into the shelter of the houses, and now breasting the fierce storm with a momentary desperate resolution.
He had moved onwards but a few paces, when the thought of home and his children came up in his mind, accompanied by a strong desire to go back to his dwelling--a feeling that required a strong effort to resist.
Forthwith it will begin rolling onwards of its own will towards the castle door; and do thou follow it through the open entrance until such time as it stop its course.
An thou art ignorant of the matter prithee let me know straightway that I may again fare onwards until such time as I find a man who can inform me thereof.
Then Quoth the Magician, "Arise, O son of my brother, an thou be reposed and let us stroll onwards a little and reach the end of our walk.
But all that her mother knew passed onwards to her father; so for the present, at any rate, she determined to realise her secret position alone.
By a strong effort at self-command, she went onwards at an even pace, neither rushing nor pausing to sob and think.
Proceeding onwardsto the market-place, there rises the cathedral, far better placed than many of the cathedrals abroad.
Captain Monk leaped it and galloped onwardsafter the other red-coats.
On passing the spot where the glass-mannikin had first spoken to him, he felt as if an invisible hand were stopping him, but he tore himself away and ran onwards till he came to the boundary which he had well marked.
He now proceeded onwards with fresh vigour, and it was not long before he crossed the bridge of the Tigris with a light heart, delighted at having so fortunately completed his adventure.
From this point onwards are developed the mathematical (point, line, &c.
From this time onwards the bitter feeling against England which we find expressed in the fervid compositions of Iolo Goch and other political bards served to prevent any serious inroads of English on Welsh-speaking territory.
His books have no title-pages, and from 1487 onwards are usually adorned with a curious device, consisting of the letters W.
Accordingly, from the 7th century onwards Brythonic became gradually limited in Great Britain to three districts--Strathclyde, Wales, and Cornwall and Devon.
It was the hour for morning prayer, and Jean Merle sauntered listlessly onwards until he reached the northern entrance and turned into the transept.
As she journeyed onwards she was altogether unconscious of the roads she traversed, only arousing herself when any change of conveyance made it necessary.
Look not upon the past with grief, it will not come back; wisely improve the present, it is thine; and goonwards fearlessly and with a strong heart towards the mysterious future.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "onwards" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: ahead; along; facing; forth; forward; onward