Trust not to the Omnipotency of Gold, or say unto it, Thou art my Confidence: kiss not thy Hand when thou beholdest that terrestrial Sun, nor bore thy Ear unto its Servitude.
Trust not to the Omnipotency of Gold, and say not unto it Thou art my Confidence.
For as all works do show forth the power and skill of the workman, and not his image, so it is of the works of God, which do show the omnipotency and wisdom of the Maker, but not His image.
His work is one in the world, subordinate to one great design of manifesting his own glorious justice and mercy, omnipotency and wisdom.
God’s omnipotency is for defence, his eternity, faithfulness, and unchangeableness to make that sure.
The Lord’s power and omnipotency is of a further extent than his decree and purpose.
To present Him stripped of foreknowledge, or omnipotency would outrage all just conception of that 'Immense Being' who brought his worshippers out of nothing.
The whole matter is too often approached in much the same spirit as that in which John Ray approached it two centuries ago, except that the Omnipotencyof the Deity is replaced by the Omnipotency of Natural Selection.
In this lies the importance of our late Leader's [Sun Yat-sen] teaching about "omnipotency of both hands.
That Omnipotency cannot make a substance to be solid and not solid at the same time, I think with due reverence [diffidence?
Our author here again returns to his defence of the omnipotency of God; and as he now again thus personifies the sum total of possibility, his mind abruptly reverts to all its other class of associations.