Close to the fire, under the flank of the rocky knoll the tent was pitched, a roll of blankets and oilskin thrown just within it.
His left hand closed upon it and partly covered it for a moment; then the two hands spread apart and disclosed an oilskin case.
Good morning, sir," I answered, crushing the oilskin into my pocket and waiting for his explanation.
His fingers plucked at the oilskin wrapper, uncovered it, unfolded an inner parcel of parchment, and, trembling, spread it out on the table.
It's here," he nodded, drawing out a small parcel wrapped about in what at first glance appeared to me an oilskin bag, tied about the neck with a tarry string.
At his back the second mate, with his oilskin coat over his pajamas, thrust forward his red, cheerful face.
A hug that crushed his face against the Greek's oilskin breast silenced him.
The mate came up the ladder, hauling himself by the hand-rails, for he was swollen beyond the ordinary with extra clothes under his long oilskin coat.
Conroy, with hisoilskin coat half off, paused to listen for comprehensible words.
The mate's face was odd in its quietude, and the sou'- wester of oilskin was still on his head, held there by the string under the chin.
With his sou'wester flapped back from his forehead and his oilskin coat shrouding him to the heels, he leaned on the bridge rail, vociferous and imperative, and his harsh voice hunted the workers from one task to another.
Seeing that the ruse worked and the coast was clear they left the shelter or shanty together and the élite society of oilskin and company whom nothing short of an earthquake would move out of their dolce far niente.
Them are his trousers I've on me and he gave me an oilskin and that jackknife.
He opened his thick sea-coat, and took out a little packet of cards from an oilskin case.
Larry tried to follow, but his legs became entangled in the oilskin coat and he fell.
These details he took in quickly while he was buttoning his oilskin jacket tighter around his neck for another dash into the storm.
The only sound was the patter of the rain, and the rustle and rattle of Larry's oilskin suit.
Peter Walsh huddled himself into an ancient oilskin coat, ferried out to the Tortoise and hoisted the sails.
Dock policemen loafed under the eaves of the sheds, standing like statues with their oilskin capes reflecting the vagrant flickering of near-by gas jets.
While Donald was changing his clothes the door opened and a tall man about thirty years of age and clad in an oilskin coat and with a badged cap on his head peered inside.
They brought the tang of schnapps with the smell of their oilskin coats.
The watchman jerked an oilskin on his back and a sou'wester on his head, and casting a hasty glance at the cabin, turned and bolted through the door, closely followed by his companion.
His hands were covered with black cotton gloves neatly darned at the fingers; his umbrella, worn down at the ferule to the last quarter of an inch, was carefully preserved, nevertheless, in an oilskin case.
He had been observing the auburn rings that escaped under the front of the little oilskin cap.
Vespasian stooped, and took up an oilskinpacket off the floor, and laid it on the bed.
Kerry crossed the room, laid his oilskin and cane upon a chair, and from the shelf where it reposed took a squat volume.
He replaced the receiver, took up a wet oilskin overall from the back of a chair and the cane from the mantleshelf.
He turned on his heel and crossed to the divan upon which his oilskin overall was lying.
He tossed his oilskin and his cane on the divan and went into the room of seance, savagely biting at a piece of apparently indestructible chewing-gum.
This find was just one of those ordinary oilskin wallets which had held and protected many letters from mothers and sweethearts and which had been shot through and through in the trenches in France.
From under the edge of the rotten straw our observant young hero had pulled out an oilskin wallet.
One thing I'd done already as a precaution--ripped open the oilskin packet and substituted blank paper, and then sewn it up again.
Presently she produced the oilskin packet, and asked me if I recognized it, watching me like a lynx all the time.
They'd got the oilskin packet with the blanks, and they were just mad!
I took the oilskin packet from round my neck and shoved it right in as far as I could.
He carried the precious papers in an oilskin packet which he wore next his skin.
Her hand closed on the oilskin packet that had lain in his palm.
An oilskin coat, however, averted this danger, and she settled back in her place.
Gerald returned to his cabin and found a black oilskin hanging behind the door.
Bowden, taking down his shiny black oilskin which had borne the brunt of many a storm.
The man thrust his hands laboriously into his inside pocket and pulled out a flat oilskin case.
This money and the clothes he put in an oilskin bag, of which the mouth was securely closed.
The oilskin bag was, he knew, buoyant enough to give him ample support in the water.
He had some matches in an oilskin pouch, and he made a little fire in a deep depression, so as to hide the smoke, and roasted fish over it.
The guards were enveloped in heavy raincoats and the flaps of oilskin on their caps fell halfway over their faces.
There are some oilskin suits in one of the lockers, Silas said.
The lighting of the lanterns made the boys feel less gloomy, and when Frank and Sammy, putting on the yellow oilskin coats, went outside and hung lanterns there, the boat was in less danger of collision.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oilskin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.