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Example sentences for "oeuvre"

Lexicographically close words:
oesterreich; oestlichen; oestrus; oeuf; oeufs; oeuvres; ofer; off; offal
  1. After luncheon they visited the lovely chateau of the Duc d'Ursel, where they met the Duchess, who has been in Paris since the war began, having established there the Franco-American OEuvre des Soldats Belges.

  2. Defer the nuptials to this day twelve month, and let van Deg on that day place his chef d'oeuvre on the left of the altar.

  3. They have at last rendered it; this abominable sentence, chef-d'oeuvre of hatred and iniquity.

  4. The chefs-d'oeuvre of German music were brought out as well as those of Italian music.

  5. Chefs-d'Oeuvre of Rossini represented at the Opera.

  6. Let's have some hors d'oeuvre while we are waiting.

  7. I tell you, not till the hors d'oeuvre has been restored to its proper abundance and variety will I admit that the war's over.

  8. The tomb of Cardinal de Richelieu, in the southern transept, is the chef-d'oeuvre of Gérardon.

  9. I must therefore content myself with advising the reader to take the first opportunity of viewing it with its beautiful gallery of pictures, many of which are the chefs-d'oeuvre of the best living French artists.

  10. In it we have a chef-d'oeuvre which displays our musician passed finally from his transition stage and standing out clearly as a master in definite possession both of aim and method.

  11. As she had made her trip in one of the automobiles belonging to the oeuvre she had been able to bring her little stove, and her bedroom was also warm.

  12. It was the property of one of the French members of the oeuvre and was used as a storehouse for hospital supplies and as headquarters for Alexina when business brought her to this part of the Marne valley.

  13. Her oeuvre must continue for several months.

  14. Therefore when Olive asked Alexina to go to one of the towns where the oeuvre had a branch and attend to an important matter that Mrs. Wallack was far too much of a novice to be entrusted with, she agreed at once.

  15. It is true that she could have rented a limousine for a thousand francs a month, but it was almost a religion with workers of her class to economize rigorously and give all their surplus to the oeuvre of their devotion.

  16. Lafenestre's Vie et Oeuvre du Titien as having possibly been derived from Giorgione's original, is about as unlike his work or that of Titian as anything in sixteenth-century Italian art could possibly be.

  17. From the Plate in Lafenestre's "Vie et Oeuvre du Titien" (May, Paris.

  18. Georges Lafenestre repeats this error in his Vie et Oeuvre du Titien.

  19. This brought me to the refectory, where the chef-d'oeuvre of Paul Veronese, representing the marriage of Cana in Galilee, was the first object that presented itself.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oeuvre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.