The citizen of the nullifying State is a traitor to his country, by obedience to the law of his State; a traitor to his State, by obedience to the law of his country.
Force must be applied by the nullifying State to resist its execution-- "Ate, hot from Hell, Cries Havoc!
But that any majority holds to the right of direct State interference at State discretion, the right of nullifying acts of Congress by acts of State legislation, is more than I know, and what I shall be slow to believe.
Look at my floating banner," he would reply; "see there the nullifying law!
The militia of the State will be called out to sustain the nullifying act.
Our only option was, either to fall in with this settled course of public policy, and accommodate ourselves to it as well as we could, or to embrace the South Carolina doctrine, and talk of nullifying the statute by State interference.
A nullifying act of a State legislature cannot alter the case, nor make resistance any more lawful.
He will raise the Nullifying Act on his standard, and spread it out as his banner.
The militia of the state will be called out to sustain the nullifying act.
It is that in which he runs out General Hayne's nullifyingdoctrine into practice, and sets him, as a military man, to execute his own nullifying law.
Look at my floating banner,' he would reply, 'see there the nullifying law!
Look at my floating banner," he would reply; "see there the nullifying law!
Look at my floating banner," he would reply; "see there the nullifying law!
He will raise the nullifying act on his standard, and spread it out as his banner.
Look at my floating banner,' he would reply; 'see there the nullifying law!
The man has perfected a combined system of special tuning and definite electrical energy," said Darrow, "by which through an ordinary wireless sender he can send forth into the ether what might be called deadening or nullifying waves.
It at once became probable that what we may call the nullifying impulses radiated in all directions through the ether from their sending instrument.
The militia of the State will be called out to sustain the Nullifying Act.
He will raise the Nullifying Act on his standard, and spread it out as his banner!
The nullifiers had committed themselves to the doctrine that the nullifying power was a power of sovereignty, not of government, and that it resided, therefore, in the convention, not in the legislature.
As we have seen, Calhoun and the members of the {227} nullifying convention held it to be the latter.
The vigorous sarcasm with which Mr. Webster depicted practical nullification, and showed that it was nothing more or less than revolution when actually carried out, was really the conclusive answer to the nullifying doctrine.
When circumstances forbid such a supposition, other devices are adopted, for nullifying the provision we have quoted.
Of far-reaching importance was the action of the audiencia in 1624, in nullifying the action taken by the former governor, Alonso Fajardo, relative to the construction of a seminary for Japanese priests and students.
The only accountable reason for this was probably the necessity of nullifying the commands of the archbishop which were being issued from the captured city.
The other that they possess no ready means for nullifying these Restrictions or obligations.
Ireland is provided under the new constitution with the readiest means of nullifying the Restrictions.
To the summoning of the Nullifying Convention in South Carolina, he replied by a message to Congress asking for powers to coerce the recalcitrant State.
Upon this the South Carolinian Convention repealed its ordinance nullifying the Tariff, and agreed to the collection of the duties now imposed.
It followed this concession by another ordinancenullifying the Force Bill.
There be prudent ones, among the nullifying adherents of Statesman Calhoun, who are willing to play the part of traitor if no peril attend the role.
To help them in their perplexity, Statesman Calhoun and his Nullifying followers evolve a cunning scheme.
Horse after horse he rides down, night becomes as day; for Death crouches on his crupper, and he must stay the Nullifying hand of South Carolina to save his own neck.
Baffled in its would-be treasons, afraid to stretch forth its nullifying hand lest the sword of retribution strike it off at the wrist, it comports itself like a spoiled child thwarted, and upholds its little dignity with a pout.
It assumes that the pope is above all authority; accountable to none; and that he is capable of nullifying all obligations between man and man, between government and subjects, between mankind and their creator.
Why are they allowed to organize within a government an independent government, nullifying its jurisdiction over them?
Jackson had fully intended to hang Calhoun and his nullifyingcoadjutors if they persisted in their Treason.
Under the provisions of the Ordinance, the State Legislature was to pass an act nullifying these Tariff laws, and any appeal to the United States Supreme Court against the validity of such nullifying act was prohibited.
In a divorce procedure masquerading under the guise of an action for nullifying spurious marriages lurked the germs of perjury and fraud.
But that they could undoubtedly do under the former law, since there is no nullifying clause, and the only penalty mentioned is clearly for failure to file the certificate.
From this the suggestion already made gains support that the nullifying clause in the duke's code was illegal; and we may, perhaps, also infer that it was not attempted to be carried out in practice by the courts.
The last of men," says Madame D'Arblay, "was Doctor Johnson to have abetted squandering the delicacy of integrity by nullifying the labours of talents.
We turn from this controversy to follow the decisions of those eminent judges who werenullifying the statute against witches.
The citizen of the nullifying state becomes a traitor to his country by obedience to the law of his state,--a traitor to his state by obedience to the law of his country.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nullifying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: antacid; contradictory; negative; offsetting