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Example sentences for "north latitude"

  • I purpose at some period of more leisure to prove an ancient intercourse and rapprochement of all the African tribes ranging between the parallels of north latitude 20° and south latitude 30°.

  • He heard from the country people traditions of a Great Lake, which may be that placed by Tuckey in north latitude 2°-3°.

  • North latitude; the variation of the compass being about twenty-six or twenty-seven degrees to the East.

  • North latitude, and the meridian variation of the compass was thirty-six degrees Eastward.

  • North latitude, which was farther North than I expected, according to the course I kept: but the difference was owing to the variation of the compass, which was more Easterly than I imagined.

  • Rock river drains the waters from the northern part of Illinois and Wisconsin, and enters the parent stream at 41° 30' north latitude.

  • The alligator, an unwieldy and bulky animal, is found in the rivers and lakes south of 34° north latitude.

  • This interior sea he named the Gulf of Georgia, and the continent bounding the said gulf, and extending southward to the 45th degree of north latitude, New Georgia, in honour of His Majesty George the Third.

  • The point is found a little to the north and west of the intersection of the 70th meridian west longitude and the 46th parallel of north latitude.

  • We have seen that, in the tenth degree of north latitude, it stretches from Quibor and Barquesimeto as far as the point of Paria.

  • These last, situated between five and six degrees of north latitude, and a hundred leagues west of the Cordilleras of New Grenada, in the meridian of Porto Cabello, are only twelve leagues distant from each other.

  • In the scorching districts of the Soudan there is hardly a tree without thorns to the tenth degree of north latitude, at which limit the rainfall is great and the vegetation changes its character.

  • It appeared to me that in north latitude 35 degrees this was an unnecessary elevation.

  • The English establishments of the Hudson Bay and Northwest companies have a tendency to advance westward along the fifty-third and fifty-fourth degrees of north latitude.

  • Southerly, in North latitude; the reverse in the Southern hemisphere.

  • With your face towards the wind, in North latitude, the centre of the circling, or rotatory storm, will be square to your right.

  • Speaking in a general way, the medium and mammoth varieties can be grown at their best between parallels 37° and 49° north latitude.

  • With irrigation it grows most vigorously in the mountain valleys between the Rocky and Cascade mountains, and between about 37° and 50° north latitude.

  • The mines extend over that parallelogram of the earth's surface, comprised between the parallels of 50° and 60° of north latitude, between the Volga and Amoor rivers.

  • Though the ship was in ten degrees of north latitude, the weather was delightful and the sea was smooth.

  • Though it was winter, the ship was in 18° north latitude, and the weather was as mild and pleasant as in midsummer.

  • We are now in about 15° north latitude; and a degree of longitude is 66.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "north latitude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    become the; blue color; bluntly pointed; copper coin; even went; fertile soil; flint glass; great dinner; great train; know you; light laugh; national scale; north and; north from; north latitude; north pole; north side; north wind; northeasterly direction; northern latitude; northern regions; northern waters; papa says; paying tribute; reached from; volt circuit