Ireland, the newest addition to the fleet of fine ships, owned by the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company.
The exception to which I referred in a preceding paragraph was none other than Miss Hamm, the newest member of our faculty.
Pausing at the station long enough to indite and leave behind a cablegram acquainting Mr. Bryan with this newest outrage, I set forth, with my eight clustering wards, to find suitable quarters for the night.
Mary, send for papa, and tell him to bring his newest and most powerful storage battery along.
The newest and best of ships are full of strange sounds, much more these old ones.
He concerns himself very little about the newest productions of living composers, insomuch that, when asked about the Freischuetz, he replied, "I believe one Weber has written it.
Disappoint no longer the expectations of your friends; heighten the impression of your newest creations by introducing us yourself to the knowledge of them.
They would not enable the student to play the first three Sonatas of Beethoven according to the newest fashion.
There, the author of the latest novel talking literature to the newest debutante.
The third and newest motor sledge was hoisted out and, while being hauled clear on to the firm ice, it broke through and sank in deep water.
Day, Nelson, and Lashly worked with the motor sledges; the newest motor frequently towed loads of 2500 lb.
You must sail with me to-morrow, Admiral, in my newest Meteor, the fifth of the name.
It was inevitable that the country would listen to him in his newest and greatest role as organizer of victory.
We discussed golf and its rapidly increasing popularity, thenewest "serve" at tennis, and some of the most remarkable cricket scores made during the past season.
They were of the newest type and the swiftest in the fleet, and their crews were armed with the strangest weapons that had yet been used in the war.
Within ten minutes they were bowling along the Embankment towards Westminster Bridge in a luxuriously appointed hansom of the newest type, with the precious case lying across their knees.
The floor of the cupola was very dusty and she was wearing hernewest and best gown, but she did not seem to mind.
She was dressed in her newest gown and was so very gushing and affable that the minister felt rather embarrassed.
Miss Annabel wore her newest gown and bonnet and rustled as she walked.
Of course fashions change in outward matters, and we must not quarrel with a taste that prefers the newest in literature any more than with one that prefers the newest in dress.
And entirely satisfied with his newest clerk, though Pat did not suspect it, Mr. Farnham returned to his writing.
And that same evening the widow's sturdy second son came to the shanty, and behind him on the snow bumped and slid his newest handiwork--a sled for Larry to ride on.
They've got some of the newest and shiningest furniture I ever saw, but I b'lieve it's imitation.
The article, as it presents itself to me, contains a complete and lucid, though occasionally rather technical, explanation of his newest proposals.
We'll get the name of every magazine in the library, and give 'em all a chance to start the newest author on the rosy way.
The twins and Connie, with the newest and most thrilling book Mr. Carnegie afforded the town, went up-stairs to lie on the bed and take turns reading aloud.
She would wear her brightest looks, her gayest robe, her hat and feathers, the newest from Paris.
Its furnishings and adornings were of the newest Parisian style.
And before many weeks came a box of his newest books for me, with a little note on finest paper and wide margin, "hoping that your friendship may always be continued towards our house.
Holland, where I gave an idea of the newest books.
But, for that matter, all currents of electricity whatever, according to this newest theory, consist simply of aggregations of free electrons.
With these explanations in mind, it will be obvious how closely this newestinterpretation of electricity corresponds in its general features with the old one-fluid theory of Franklin.
Indeed, this startling contrast would still hold true, were we to consider the newest era as compassing only the period of a single life.
And, curiously enough, the very newest explanations are not so very far away from some eighteenth-century theories which for a long time were looked at askance if not altogether discarded.
This newest and most powerful of workers will claim our attention in detail in the succeeding chapter.
Lutwidge I sent my dear Girl a newest fashion'd white Hat and Cloak, and sundry little things, which I hope will get safe to hand.
He must be a promoter of morale throughout his forces, even down to the newest and the lowest-paid clerk.
In the foyer of a lovely new home in newest New York a Persian rug is being spread for the first time.
In the meantime the newest New York has come into its being.
In entering the field of fiction-writing Brown took his place in the newest literary movement in America.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "newest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: last; latest; minute