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Example sentences for "nearly flat"

  • When young it is hemispheric or very convex, but it soon becomes broadly convex or nearly flat, with the center either slightly depressed or somewhat prominent.

  • It then gradually spreads, becomes convex, and opens until it is nearly flat, with a knob in the center.

  • The cap of the shield lepiota is at first somewhat ovate or bell-shaped, but with advancing age it becomes convex above or nearly flat.

  • Externally the valve is nearly flat, for the longitudinal furrow is very shallow.

  • They may be elongated arches with equal dip on the two sides, or one side may dip and the other be nearly flat.

  • The =pileus= becomes convex, and expanded or nearly flat, and often with an elevation or umbo in the center.

  • The extreme outer surface does not dissolve so freely, and the thin remnant curls upward and becomes enrolled on the upper side as the cap with wasted gills becomes nearly flat.

  • The portion towards the front of the carving, however, is somewhat longer than that towards the rear, and the back is nearly flat, although this may be caused simply by the carving.

  • The slightly bulging body and exceedingly small, nearly flat knob at the top are entirely different from those of the pestles usually found in any of this area, or the country adjacent to it on the north and west.

  • On each side of this mid-rib, the surface is nearly flat.

  • It is slightly ridged along each face, and the faces instead of being uniformly convex to the edge have at the lower part a nearly flat facet of triangular form, the base of which forms the edge.

  • It is nearly flat on one face, and seems to have been intended for mounting as an adze.

  • It is very much more convex on one face than the other, which, indeed, is nearly flat.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nearly flat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    behind the; betel leaves and areca; but where; doubt the; general condition; much snow; nearly allied; nearly black; nearly cylindrical; nearly done; nearly flat; nearly obsolete; nearly opposite; nearly parallel; nearly perfect; nearly pure; nearly related; nearly sessile; nearly similar; nearly smooth; nearly spherical; nearly the same manner; nearly the same size; nearly three; sensuous experience; share and share alike