The general value of unimproved forest land, when it is not heightened by some advantageous locality, as proximity to a town or navigable river, cannot be estimated at more than five shillings per acre.
Placed as it is on a navigable river, at the entrance of the narrower part of the vale of Towy, and on the Roman road from Brecon to St David's, its natural position must have marked it as a fit site for a royal castle.
Here the top of a small hill has been encircled with a ditch; but the ditch is so narrow that it does not suggest a defensive work, and it is remote from any Roman road or navigable river.
The site was an important one; Totnes had been one of the boroughs of the Burghal Hidage; it was at the head of a navigable river, and was the point where the ancient Roman (?
It was in connection with the Severn that the question arose as to the right of the community to regard a navigable river as a public highway, the same as if it were a road dedicated to general use.
In regard to the distance at which manufacturers might be situated from a navigable river, I would point to the position of the pottery trade in North Staffordshire.
Between Salapia and Sipus is a navigable river, and a considerable estuary; by both of these channels the merchandise, and wheat especially, of Sipus is conveyed to the sea.
In other States, the doctrine of thje civil law prevails, which is, that a navigable river is a river capable of being navigated, in the common sense of the term.
Defn: Capable of being navigated; deep enough and wide enough to afford passage to vessels; as, a navigable river.
The shore, especially the beach of a sea, ocean, or large lake; rarely, the margin of a navigable river.
A bridge of which either the whole or a part is made to be raised up, let down, or drawn or turned aside, to admit or hinder communication at pleasure, as before the gate of a town or castle, or over a navigable river or canal.
If it is intended to divert or alter any public road, navigable river, canal, or railway, the course and extent of such diversion, etc.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "navigable river" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.