The nasturtium leaf-coins stood cool and grey; in their delicate shade, underneath in the green twilight, a few flowers shone their submerged gold and scarlet.
There was just a murmur of bees going in and out the brilliant little porches of nasturtium flowers.
The first of these was Soleil d'Or, a large, full, flat flower, varying from gold and orange yellow to reddish gold shaded with nasturtium red.
Tear two white lettuces into the salad bowl, sprinkle over them one tablespoonful of pickled nasturtiums, or capers, dress with simple oil and vinegar, and garnish with fresh nasturtium blossoms.
When I visited the laboratory again at noon, I took in my hand a few heads of red clover and a nasturtium with its horn filled with honey.
She sat on a scarletnasturtium at the very top of the post, and declared "all was quiet in the strawberry bed," and came down.
The Spanish Doll ran up a nasturtium vine, to see that all was safe.
Nasturtium seeds should be picked up when they fall on the ground, and spread out until quite brown and dry.
These must be only just covered by a very fine sprinkling of earth; but sweet-pea and nasturtium must be sown deeper.
Some of our leading druggists now make for medicinal use a liquid extract of the Nasturtium officinale, and a spirituous juice (or succus) of the plant.
The Water Cress (Nasturtium officinale) is among cresses, to use an American simile, the "finest toad in the puddle.
But the most happy thought of all was making imitation water-lilies out of nasturtium leaves.
And in its place she carried two or three very drooping nasturtium plants, that had unfortunately come up by the roots while she was picking their leaves.
Hilda found her sister before the long mirror in her room, Taylor fastening the nasturtium velvet.
Rosa is common; Rumex and Nasturtium are both met with.
The Nasturtium officinale, a well-known plant of the natural order Cruciferae.
If for a dinner ornament it with some flowers of the nasturtium and marigold.
You can obtain new plants from geranium, verbena, nasturtium and many other flowering plants, by cutting and planting slips or parts of the stems from them.
Serve with drawn butter, adding capers or nasturtium seed, or if you have neither, use chopped sour pickle instead.
And if one should ask how they can enjoy the meal with nasturtiumfor their only condiment and water for their only drink, let him bethink himself how sweet barley bread and wheaten can taste to the hungry man and water to the thirsty.
As relish to their bread these young men have whatever they may kill in the chase, or failing that, nasturtium like the boys.
They bring from home the staple of their meal, dry bread with nasturtium for a relish, and to slake their thirst they bring a drinking-cup, to dip in the running stream.
So she rose and moved slowly over the slick green grass, pausing by the blazing nasturtium bed to pick a few vivid blossoms.
One of the prettiest ways of arranging a nasturtium salad is to partly fill the bowl with the center of a head of lettuce pulled apart and the blossoms plentifully scattered throughout.
Nasturtium leaves and flowers find a place in sandwiches and salads.
Make a filling of two-thirds nasturtium blossoms, one third leaves, lay on buttered bread, with buttered bread on top, sandwich style.
When ready to serve, drain again and add about one-third as much in bulk of fine-chopped celery and one or two tablespoonfuls of pickled nasturtium seeds or capers; then mix with mayonnaise or a boiled dressing.
Mix the potatoes, gherkins, nasturtium shoots and seeds in a bowl rubbed over with garlic; add the oil, vinegar and seasonings, and mix again.
Press fresh nasturtium leaves and blossoms upon the butter and fold one half over the other.
Flavor the butter with nasturtium leaves and blossoms, and with it spread a thin slice of moist bread, which is longer one way than the other.
Pile in a mound on a serving-dish, dust with chopped parsley, and garnish with a wreath of nasturtium blossoms and leaves.
This is prettily shown if we place some of our Nasturtium seedlings under a ward-case.
While this subject is under consideration, the tendrils of the Pea and Bean and the twining petioles of the Nasturtium will be interesting for comparison.
If a leaf-stalk of Nasturtium be slit vertically for an inch or two, the two halves will spring back abruptly.
Garnish edge of dish with sprays of parsley and Nasturtium blossoms.
Arrange in a mound on serving platter, surrounded with a border of nasturtium blossoms and leaves.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nasturtium" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.