The thought of battle brought a moistness to his palms and a dull, hollow ache in his gut.
Serina was standing in the doorway now, staring out blankly, a shimmering moistness in her eyes.
With the inflammation thereby set up we get swelling of the surrounding bloodvessels, pain from the compression of the swollen structures within the non-yielding hoof, and moistness as a result of the inflammatory exudate.
The leading essentials in a seed-bed for clover are fineness, cleanness, moistnessand firmness.
Moistness in the seed-bed sufficient to promptly sprout the seed is a prime essential, but it is very much more important where the seasons are dry than where the lack of rain is but little feared.
Owing to the lateness of the season at which the seed matures, careful and prompt attention may be necessary to secure the seed crop without loss, owing to the moistness which characterizes the weather at that season.
In preparing the seed-bed for crimson clover, the aim should be to secure fineness of pulverization near the surface and moistness in the same.
Fineness, firmness, cleanness and moistness are the chief essentials to be looked for in making the seed-bed.
Because they are cold and moist, which are the causes that the hair remaineth; for moistness doth give nutriment to the hair, and coldness doth bind the pores.
Sometimes through the moistness of the tongue and brain, as in children, who cannot speak plainly nor pronounce many letters.
It proceedeth in women through the moistness of the lungs, and weakness of the heat.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moistness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: damp; dampness; humor; rainfall; wet