Occasionally, however, he continued to sell goods stolen by his pals who were at liberty, but only for cash on the spot, and refused all credit.
He wanted to quit the job, but I wouldn't let him.
The guards would go to his cell, and chain him up in the Catholic chapel until he could be examined by the doctor.
I did not dare to speak; I could only stare at them with awe.
But his longing for Mamie had grown so strong that he could not bear it.
I expected to get a true outline of Christ's time and a character sketch of the man himself, but I didn't.
A big contractor in Philadelphia was her friend for years.
The leather came, was slipped to me, Lonzo apologized for spoiling the hat and offered the sucker a five dollar bill, which he politely refused.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moi" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.