How might they misse Arithmeticall helpe in the Rules of Felowshyp: either without tyme, or with tyme?
To Alison now wol I tellen al My love-longing, for yet I shal nat misse That at the leste wey I shal hir kisse.
From Misse to Adena[457] the country continues level and good, inhabited by Turcomans.
We travelled along the banks of this river to a town called Misse on the Jehon[454], because it runs through it.
The like force is found In amne Licesio, a riuer of Thracia, vpon whose bankes a man shall hardlie misse to find some traueller or other sleeping for drunkennesse, by drinking of that liquor.
A rare way likewise for musquettoons fastened to the Pummel of the Saddle, so that a Common Trooper cannot misse to charge them, with twenty or thirty Bullets at a time, even in full career.
Sidenote: The death of Iohn Ortiz, and the great misse of him being their interpretour.
For that man which shall gouerne this countrey, if he be no more fortunate then I haue bene hitherto, shall not misse one time or another, but he shall lose all the countrey.
The weapons that they vse are no other but bowes and arrowes, and their aime is so good, that they very seldome misse to hit any thing that they shoote at.
The person who had been called Misse Cassy now came forward, and, with a haughty, negligent air, delivered her basket.
These flowers I for that purpose chose, But where I misse amend me.
The winter here a Summer is, No waste is made by time, Nor doth the Autumne euer misse The blossomes of the Prime.
In thy swift course from East to West, They minutes misse to finde thee, That bear'st the morning on thy breast, And leau'st the night behinde thee.
Lord Howard hee then calld in haste, "Horseley see thou be true in stead; 70 For thou shalt at the maine-mast hang, If thou misse twelvescore one penny bread.
If you, my lord, have chosen mee Of a hundred gunners to be the head, 50 Then hang me up on your maine-mast tree, If I misse my marke one shilling bread.
Lord Haward, "looke that thy words be true thou sayd; Ile hang thee att my maine-mast tree if thou misse thy marke past 12^d.
And it is hardly possible to misse in graffing so often, if your Gardiner be worth his name.
It maketh misse to ben amended with good governaunce in doing.
If you will bee vigilant and secrete in this article, you cannot misse to spie their priuie packing one with another, either on shore or aboord the shippe: worke herein wisely, and you shall deserue great thanks of the whole company.
For, by these meanes you shalbe understoode, and not misse understoode, as we Florentines say, nor be darke and obscure to the hearers.
Alexis, no; but if I misse Laurinda, My sleepe shall be eternall.
Misse neber gwine to dem people less dar be sumfin for a-gwine ter happen.
Lord Howard hee then calld in haste, "Horseley see thou be true in stead; For thou shalt at the maine-mast hang, If thou misse twelvescore one penny bread.
If you, my lord, have chosen mee Of a hundred gunners to be the head, Then hang me up on your maine-mast tree, If I misse my marke one shilling bread.
O, I should haue a heauy misse of thee, If I were much in loue with Vanity.
Who euer stroue To shew her merit, that did misse her loue?
You finde not the apostraphas, and so misse the accent.
You are verie sencible, and yet you misse my sence: I meane Hortentio is afeard of you Wid.
It was his word: Oh he would misse it, rather then carry it, But by the suite of the Gentry to him, And the desire of the Nobles Scicin.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "misse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.