In England this rock is generally of a yellowish colour; but it varies greatly in mineralogical character, passing from an earthy state to a white compact stone of great hardness.
It may be said of this, more than of any other schist, that it is common to the metamorphic and fossiliferous series, for some clay-slates taken from each division would not be distinguishable by mineralogical characters.
In a word, we have here a beautiful illustration of the intermediate gradations between volcanic and plutonic rocks, not only in their mineralogical composition and structure, but also in their relations of position to associated formations.
Representing in terms of weight the mineralogicalchanges in the katamorphism of serpentine rock to iron ore, on the assumption that alumina has remained constant, eastern Cuba.
The general contrast in mineralogicaland chemical composition, texture, and mineral associations, between these ore minerals and the minerals known to be formed by ordinary surficial agencies under ordinary temperatures.
The chemical and mineralogicalchanges are pretty well understood, but the quantitative range of these changes and their relative importance in determining the net result are far from known.
The chemical and mineralogical changes involved in the formation of these deposits are pretty well understood.
In mineralogical character they agree with those on the western wall of the bay.
Even this cursory glance sufficed to show him that the drift materials, even to their specialmineralogical elements, were the same as in the Magellan Strait.
The mineralogical collection is under obligations to Mr. Ritchie for most of its finest specimens, which he bought during his travels at Dresden, and presented to the university.
I accompanied Madam Fretageot and her two pupils home, and passed some time in conversation with Mr. M'Clure on his travels in Europe, which were undertaken with mineralogical views.
This school, which is only seven years old, is already in possession of a very handsome mineralogical cabinet, and a small philosophical apparatus.
On the Mineralogical Localities in and around New York City.
The Mineralogical Localities In and Around New York City and the Minerals Occurring Therein.
There are the varieties of three minerals, which are very commonly met with in greater or less abundance in mineralogical trips: they are of calcite, steatite, and quartz.
In the surrounding parts of New York are many mineralogical localities, known to no others than a few professional mineralogists, etc.
I will describe only some of the principal mineralogical changes, which are highly instructive, and which I carefully examined.
Nevertheless, the lower and upper masses, as well as some intermediate layers, are so similar in mineralogical character, that I cannot doubt that they are all of estuary origin, and have been derived from the same great source.
Orbigny, that this view is erroneous, and that there is only a mineralogical passage between them, and no gradual transition in the nature of their organic remains.
Tolten, and thence for 150 miles northward, to be continued with the same mineralogical characters, immediately to be described at Concepcion.
Gorda allowed of no mistake, and I must be permitted to affirm, that after having examined the country from the Colorado to St. Fe Bajada, I could not be deceived in the mineralogical character of the Pampean deposit.
At present the order of crystallization and separation of the mineralogical units seems to have been feldspar, mica, garnet, beryl, quartz.
The first choice would be of great mineralogical advantage for those regions of the United States, lying North of the river Gila.
An exact mineralogical determination of the volcanic rocks (trachytes) is unfortunately wanting everywhere.
We are still in need of the mineralogical determination of the rocks, while the form and situation of the mountain masses have been well described by Squier, Oersted, and other modern travellers.
As has been said, Faraday's work was almost from the first of a higher nature; he is reported to have set in order the mineralogical collection soon after his arrival.
Schoolcraft brought me some mineralogical and geological specimens from Isle Cariboo--the land of golden dreams and fogs in Lake Superior.
Joseph Delafield, of New York, says that Baron Lederer is desirous of entering into an arrangement for the exchange of my large mass of Lake Superior copper, for mineralogical specimens for the Imperial Cabinet of Vienna.
Finding this test favorable, he felt encouraged in his mineralogical researches.
He was among the earliest to appreciate the mineralogical and geographical researches which I made in that field.
It is true Bruce had published his Mineralogical Journal in 1814, but the science can, by no means, be said to have attracted much, or general attention for several years.
Austin invited me to take rooms at the old Austin mansion; he requested me to make one of them a depot for my mineralogical collections, and he rode out with me to examine several mines.
I am desirous of analyzing the mineral, to ascertain whether its composition agrees with that of Hoboken and Unst (the only recorded localities in our mineralogical works).
But I pledged to him at once my geological and mineralogical reports, and I promptly sent him my portfolio of sketches to embellish his map.
As far as conjecture will go, for the levels of the strata on the Wabash and Miami, the same mineralogical characters are to be found in the strata, at the same elevation.
Orren Root, of Syracuse Academy, New York, appeals to me to contribute towards the formation of a mineralogical cabinet at that institution.
At first the heavy drift stratum of Albany County, as seen in the bed of Norman's Kill; and its deep cuttings in the slate and other rocks, were his field of mineralogical inquiries.
I was a judge of themineralogical properties of the article, but a novice in almost everything else.
I received, this morning, a number of mineralogical specimens from Mr. Johnston, which had been collected by him at various times in the vicinity.
What is the need of adding that the illustrious Otto Liedenbrock, corresponding member of all the scientific, geographical, and mineralogical societies of all the civilised world, was now her uncle and mine?
I hope you will not leave our island until you have seen some of its mineralogical wealth.
While distinguished for his chemical and mineralogical researches, he may also be regarded as one of the pioneers in geological investigation.
This interesting body he declared to be mercury oxalate and cited as his authority Aikin's Chemical and Mineralogical Dictionary.
A neighboring mine is remarkable for producing an ore of bismuth in such quantity as to give it great mineralogical interest.
Nearly every sort of ore, of both silver and gold, is found mingled in a most heterogeneous way among the lavas, recalling that marvelously mixedmineralogical madrigal in the Colorado comic opera, Brittle Silver.
France," and elsewhere on mineralogical and geological subjects.
In the Mines Building were displayed ten geological maps of the State of New York, besides a relief map of the State, a hypsometric map, a road map, and publications on mineralogical works besides photographs.
Several specimens of Meteoric Iron are to be seen in the Mineralogical Collection in the British Museum.
In the interior of the earth, where all knowledge of its chemical and mineralogical character fails, we are limited to as pure conjecture as in the remotest bodies that revolve round the sun.
Patrin, who has given a mineralogical notice of the Douari, Journal de physique, Mars 1791.
Clarke L1000 in recognition of his mineralogical researches, which had conduced to the same result.
This mineralogical tour in Hungary and Transylvania by Born, and published by Ferber, possesess a sufficient guarantee of its accuracy and value from the names of the author and editor.
An admirable specimen of a mineralogical and geological tour, in which the purely scientific information is intermixed with notices of manufactures, and pictures of manners, &c.
It's a few of my mineralogical specimens,' replied Fergus.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mineralogical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.