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Example sentences for "million bushels"

  • Every one of you can take a ship and half a million bushels to Dara, if you have the nerve?

  • It's loaded with half a million bushels of grain.

  • Now I'm calling for volunteers to take half a million bushels of grain to where it's needed.

  • But half a million bushels of grain meant that people who must otherwise die might live.

  • Every one of you can take a ship and half a million bushels to Dara, if you have the nerve!

  • They want to know how much I would ask for a million bushels.

  • Jadwin bought again, and again it was a "lot" of half a million bushels.

  • The annual average oat crop in all Canada is estimated at about 248 million bushels.

  • The stocks for the previous year on that date amounted to 241 million bushels.

  • Yorkton= within the last five years has more than doubled its population and ships annually over 2 million bushels of grain.

  • The average Commonwealth yield for the last five years, however, was 611/2 million bushels.

  • I'm desirous of selling a quarter of a million bushels at the market; and, as I am furnishing the plans and specifications for this raid, I suggest that you sell at least a quarter of a million yourself.

  • Selling a quarter of a million bushels of wheat you do not own and never will!

  • Therefore, in consideration of the valuable information I can furnish, I suggest that you carry me for a quarter of a million bushels of December wheat.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "million bushels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    burning coals; crystalline form; drive back; had the; industrial work; million acres; million annually; million bushels; million expenditures; million feet; million francs; million from; million gallons; million inhabitants; million miles; million note; million pounds; million sterling; million years; millionth part; natural things; polymetallic nodules; solar system; strong current; twelve millions; vegetable food