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Example sentences for "milliard"

Lexicographically close words:
milles; millesimo; millet; millets; millia; milliards; milligram; milligramme; milligrammes; milligrams
  1. A city you may recover, a milliard of francs you never get back," he said.

  2. When the conditions of peace were being discussed, Thiers was in favour of giving up Belfort rather than pay another milliard of francs.

  3. The actual claims were as follows in milliard gold marks:[75] Milliard marks (gold).

  4. Germany expresses her readiness to acknowledge for reparation purposes a total liability of 50 milliard gold marks (present value).

  5. Their effort in this direction was perfunctory, and consisted, as already recorded, in a vague reference to war criminals, disarmament, and the payment of 20 milliard gold marks.

  6. Payment, during the first two years, of twenty milliard marks in gold or by the delivery of goods, shipping, etc.

  7. If Germany exports, that is sells eight milliard marks' worth of goods abroad, she pays two milliards to the Reparations Commission.

  8. With the war and expenses of occupation, Libya has cost Italy about seven milliard lire, and for a long time yet it will be on the debit side in the life of the nation.

  9. We are fighting not for a few milliard francs and a disaffected province, but for priceless spoils and European hegemony.

  10. For the French had no less than half a milliard francs lent out at interest for short terms in Russia.

  11. And the celebrated loan of half a milliard francs, which Austrian financiers undertook to advance to Bulgaria--on outrageously oppressive conditions--set the crown to the work of many years.

  12. Over a milliard of the gold reserve at the Deutsche Bank has been paid for foreign provisions, leaving only a milliard and a-half to cover a note issue of thirty milliards.

  13. German holdings of foreign securities were estimated at twenty milliards before the war and not more than one milliard now.

  14. This has still to be apportioned among the new national States; but even on the most favourable basis for German-Austria, that of population, it will mean a debt of about 30 milliard kronen with an annual charge of 1.

  15. Statisticians have calculated that France alone makes a deposit of half a milliard every year, in the Atlantic, through the mouths of her rivers.

  16. Discussion in the convention about a forced loan of a milliard of livres.

  17. One milliard two hundred and five millions of livres in assignats issued.

  18. Another celestial body--added to the milliard and a half already moving gracefully round.

  19. By means of the help of international banks, the first half milliard of the debt was paid off in July 1871, and Normandy was freed from the burden of German occupation.

  20. Thiers also obtained a reduction of a milliard from the impossible sum of six milliards first named for the war indemnity due to Germany; in this matter Jules Favre states that British mediation had been of some avail.

  21. Her financial obligations were first transferred[333] to the Allies and then magnanimously wiped out by these, who then limited all her liabilities for reparations to two and a quarter milliard francs.

  22. Down to the month of May, 1921, two and a half milliard francs was the maximum sum allotted to Belgium by the Supreme Council.

  23. She is to receive a share which the Treaty neglected to fix of the two and a quarter milliard francs on a date which has also been left undetermined.

  24. On July 10th the Italian Finance Minister, in his financial statement, announced that the total cost of the war to Italy would amount to one hundred milliard lire.

  25. There was another and more effectual cause: the war had deprived the world of twelve million workmen and a thousand milliard francs' worth of goods.

  26. We shall receive four hundred and sixty-three milliard francs, payable in thirty-six years, without counting the restitutions which will have been effected.

  27. Deducting from that amount two milliards and a-half to cover the tax for the purposes of the commonwealth, there remained four milliard and a-half as profit to be shared among the producers, giving an average of 600£ to each worker.

  28. From this we promise ourselves a yearly increase of about a milliard pounds sterling in our Freeland income.

  29. But even then there will be a milliard acres still waiting for a supply of water to the extent of two milliards of cubic metres of water for themselves.

  30. Although the public is buying bread at a high price, that price represents a loss to the Government of about a milliard a year.

  31. The National Debt is increasing by about a milliard lire per month.

  32. His Majesty is now prepared to withdraw his garrison as soon as the fifth and last milliard shall have been paid by Paris and received at Berlin.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "milliard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.