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Example sentences for "mencion"

Lexicographically close words:
menacingly; menage; menagerie; menageries; mence; mencioned; mend; mendacia; mendacio; mendacious
  1. Frere, is there ony perfiter rule of religion than Christ, goddes sone, gave in his gospell to his brethren, or than that religion that saynt James in his epistle maketh mencion of?

  2. If thou saye that Christes rule and that religion that saynt James maketh mencion of, is the perfitest; why holdest thou not than thilke rule without more?

  3. Y hafe found a cedule that makyth mencion of that prysonner, of whyche I sende you a double, to be better avertysed of the mater.

  4. Right worthy and worshepefull Sir, I recomaunde to yow, preyeng yow to wite that I have resceyved yowr goodly lettres makyng mencion that Sir John Paston,[23.

  5. And for as moche as my wrytynges that makyth mencion of that delyveraunce of the said Mautbye be not in my warde, y pray you that ye wolle undre your seelys certyffye me the trouthe how the said Mautbye was delyveryd by my moyen.

  6. Myn awnte recommawndeth her to yow, and prayith yow to do for her as the byll maketh mencion of that I send you with this letter, and as ye thenk best for to do therinne.

  7. The same y^t were in the other ( of whome mencion [D.

  8. Tulli / made for Milo / of y^e which I made mencion in the begynnynge of my boke.

  9. As if one wolde praise Sceuolaes acte / of the whiche mencion was made afore / he may.

  10. As in Mi- loes cause / of whome was made mencion afore.

  11. How chauncith it that there is no mencion made of purgatorie?

  12. Of which Augustine / amonge others / doth make mencion in many places.

  13. And wolde Jhesus for his highe grace that every prince, chieftein, or captein wolde be of so noble condicions as is before made mencion of!

  14. Hercules, as it is figured and made mencion in the vij^{the} metre of the .

  15. Here is brieflie made mencion of the recomendacion of acyn[138] worship of Henry the .

  16. Here is briefly made mencion of the first title of Normandie, and how frely it holdithe.

  17. Here is made mencion of the title of Gascoigne and Guien, and how long agoo passed possessid.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mencion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.