It is a term ofmany distinct significations; being neither univocal, nor altogether equivocal, but something intermediate between the two, or multivocal.
After a long debate, turning the question over in many distinct points of view, and examining three or four different answers to the question--all these answers are successively rejected, and the problem remains unsolved.
The several propositions that constitute a chain of reasoning, are so many distinct judgments.
The mind has as many distinct faculties, as it has distinct powers of action, distinct functions, distinct modes and spheres of activity.
So distinguished and named, they present themselves to us as so many distinct powers or faculties of the mind.
The existence in modern Europe of many distinct nations on the same level of civilisation, but with different forms of government and conditions of national life, secures the permanence of some measure of patriotism and liberty.
No other religion, under such circumstances, had ever combined so many distinct elements of power and attraction.
Concrete Mathematics having for its object the discovery of the equations of phenomena, it would seem at first that it must be composed of as many distinct sciences as we find really distinct categories among natural phenomena.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "many distinct" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.