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Example sentences for "mammoths"

Lexicographically close words:
mammiferous; mammifers; mammillary; mammillated; mammoth; mammy; mamook; man; mana; manacle
  1. Some reports of mammoths have been based on the bones of whales, including a skull that was figured in the daily papers.

  2. The chiefs of the mammoths our mastery spurned, And eastward restlessly fumed and burned.

  3. We wreathed the king of the mammoths In the tiger-leaves' terrible bloom.

  4. Ten thousand mammoths oncoming From the south as avengers of blood!

  5. Trumpeting mammoths warning us still If we held not beside them it boded us ill.

  6. Professor Lezard and I have already located over a hundred and fifty mammoths within a short distance of here, and apparently there are hundreds, if not thousands, more in the vicinity.

  7. Imagine an entire herd of mammoths preserved in mud and ice through all these thousands of years!

  8. There are no mammoths in that mud down there.

  9. I wonder if there are any more mammoths on ice under us here," said Don as they tramped over the snowy surface.

  10. Unusually clever he, Unusually brave, And he drew delightful Mammoths On the borders of his cave.

  11. An old Russian traveller, who, in 1692, was sent by Peter the Great as ambassador to the Emperor of China, mentions the discovery of the heads and legs of Mammoths in frozen soil.

  12. The mammoth did not put his head on one side and wonder whether mammoths were a little out of date.

  13. Mammoths were at least as much up to date as that individual mammoth could make them.

  14. These grew in magnitude until a line of fire ran clear across the wood, and the mammoths nearest raised their trunks and showed signs of uneasiness.

  15. On rare occasions a herd of mammoths invaded the forest and worked itself toward the apex of the plateau, and then word went all over the region, for it was an event in the history of the cave men.

  16. The mammoths were near the point of the upland!

  17. The rhinoceros stood then, fierce-fronted and dangerous, its offspring hovering by its flanks, and the mammoths gathered in a ring encircling their calves and presenting an outward range of tusks to meet the hovering devourer.

  18. Three men were crushed to death in their passage and all the mammoths were gone save the big bull, who had started to rejoin his herd but had not reached it in time.

  19. Not lightly was an expedition against a herd of mammoths to be begun, even by a hundred well-armed people of the time of the cave men.

  20. Perhaps there was a special trick that bigger mammoths knew.

  21. Elan was not so large, as far as woolly mammoths go.

  22. Asking other mammoths was a terrible mistake.

  23. There are no mammoths now--unless we call elephants by that name; yet their remains have been found upon both continents.

  24. Last of all was the latest Paleolithic stage corresponding to the close of the Ice Age, the human remains of which are found associated with reindeer and the latest mammoths which roamed in great numbers across Europe.

  25. First, as the hunting grounds of prehistoric Indians who stalked the now-extinct Ice Age mammoths and bison that roamed the valley floor.

  26. These early men apparently hunted the bison and now-extinct elephant-like mammoths that roamed the Palo Duro area during the Ice Age of Pleistocene time (see geologic time scale, fig.

  27. Mammoths have been more than once found as entire carcases in the frozen soil of Siberia.

  28. I've heard that Injun yarn about the mammoths up north; but you know's well as I do that when it comes down to hard pan there's nothin' to it.

  29. It has been found, with many others like it, among bones of mammoths and other extinct animals, and is therefore held to prove that men and mammoths were contemporaries.

  30. This superposition of drawing upon drawing ends with the latest superposition in finely incised lines of a great procession of mammoths upon that of the polychrome bisons.

  31. The woolly mammoth (Elephas primigenius) and the contemporary Neanderthal hunters (Homo neanderthalensis), after the drawings of Upper Palaeolithic artists and the frozen mammoths found in northern Siberia.

  32. Primitive outline engravings of woolly mammoths of Aurignacian or early Magdalenian times, from the walls of the cavern of Combarelles.

  33. So the serviceships went to Earth and came back with mammoths tied to the outside of their hulls.

  34. They appealed to the small boy because his uncle said they'd belonged to men who lived when mammoths roamed the Earth and cave men hunted the now-extinct huge beasts.

  35. They took back men who were fighters and ready to face mammoths or sabre tooth tigers or anything else.

  36. Far away in the green meadow they saw two mammoths feeding.

  37. They ran along past the place where the mammoths were feeding and then turned their backs on the river and plunged into the deep forest toward the east.

  38. I need you to kill bison and mammoths for me to eat!

  39. From Mammoths to Mosquitoes--From Murder to Hypocrisy The Monkey and the Snake Fight Too Little and Too Much Do You Feel Discouraged?

  40. For every shot that the battle-ships’ mammoths fired, the cruisers fired a hundred.

  41. These mammoths were not things that could be swung around to all points of the compass.

  42. Its mammoths and its mastodons, its rhinoceri and its hippopotami, its enormous dinotherium and colossal megatherium, greatly more than equalled in bulk the largest mammals of the present time, and vastly exceeded them in number.

  43. The Cave-men pressed close after the mammoths until they came to the edge of the cliff.

  44. When the mammoths saw the trap they were in, they turned and faced the men.

  45. The mammoths did not see the men until Strongarm gave the signal to charge.

  46. A Mammoth Hunt One day Strongarm saw a herd of mammoths grazing near the edge of a cliff.

  47. From time unknown men have hunted the mammoth in the savage ground, and the mammoth has hunted men; and the men have always used fire as a shield, and mammoths have learned to dread fire as the most dangerous of all enemies.

  48. I have fought mammoths myself, and at times have killed, but I never dared even to think of taking one alive and bringing it into tameness.

  49. In spite of their gigantic size and weapons, the mammoths were frequently killed by prehistoric men.

  50. In no part of the world were mammoths more abundant than in Northern Siberia.

  51. Numerous relics of mammoths have been discovered in Siberia, including pieces of skin, and all the bones.

  52. One of the first mammoths described by modern scientists was found on the peninsula of Tamut, near the Lena River, in 1799.

  53. Then the Mammoths came thundering and trumpeting across the plateau, going through and over the lesser beasts like a tidal wave.

  54. A second or two more and a long array of mammoths emerged along the path of the cloud.

  55. What was it that swept even the mighty mammoths before its face?

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mammoths" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.