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Example sentences for "magnetometer"

Lexicographically close words:
magnetized; magnetizer; magnetizers; magnetizing; magneto; magnetomotive; magnetos; magnets; magni; magnific
  1. The magnetometer Horizontal force measured in two directions--vertical force in one--timing arrangement.

  2. AB is the rod and C the middle point of its axis; NS is the magnetometer needle; AM bisects the undeflected needle NS at right angles.

  3. The metals, which were prepared in the form of small rods, were magnetized between the poles of an electromagnet and tested with a magnetometer at temperatures of -186 deg.

  4. The cardboard scale SS is placed above a wooden screen, having in it a narrow vertical slit which permits a beam of light from the lamp L to reach the mirror of the magnetometer M, whence it is reflected upon the scale.

  5. Let the distance of each pole of the rod AB from the centre of the magnetometer needle = d.

  6. In the third position the test rod is placed vertically with one of its poles at the level of the magnetometer needle, and in the line drawn perpendicularly to the undeflected needle from its centre of suspension.

  7. AB is the vertical rod and M indicates the position of the magnetometer needle, which is supposed to be perpendicular to the plane of the paper.

  8. The wire is supported inside the glass tube A with its upper pole at the same height as the magnetometer needle.

  9. Various currents are then passed through the magnetizing coil, the galvanometer readings and the simultaneous magnetometer deflections being noted.

  10. The Kew Observatory pattern unifilar magnetometer is shown in figs.

  11. In each case the magnetograph only records the variation of the element, the absolute values being determined by making observations in the neighbourhood with the unifilar magnetometer (q.

  12. When making the deflection experiment the magnetometer is arranged as shown in fig.

  13. Kew pattern unifilar magnetometer and detailed instructions for performing the experiments; C.

  14. On developing the image we shall have a sinuous line corresponding to the deflections of the magnetometer at every time of day and night, the reading of the time being dependent on the rate at which the paper travels.

  15. Nearly 20 crossings of the crest of the ridge have been made with the total-intensity magnetometer towed behind research vessels employing continuously recording echo sounders.

  16. So, when those igneous basement rocks bulge toward the surface of the earth, your magnetometer reading goes up.

  17. You know what a magnetometer is, don't you?

  18. One, which he headed, loaded the heavy magnetometer and gravimeter equipment into a truck and set out to check formations revealed by the aerial studies.

  19. Well, you fly a magnetometer back and forth in a checkerboard pattern over any area where photographs have shown rock formations favorable for oil deposits.

  20. Behavior of compass-needle on a terrella or spherical lodestone] We find him also comparing magnets by what is known to us as the "magnetometer method.

  21. A delicate magnetometer showed that such a structure allowed no leakage of lines of force through it, but offered an impenetrable barrier to the magnetic influence of the working dynamos.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "magnetometer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.