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Example sentences for "lively faith"

  • Oh that God would make us foreknow by a lively faith, what it is to behold him in his glory, and to dwell in perfect love and joy, and then death would no more be able to dismay us, nor should we be unwilling of such a blessed change!

  • This new and holy obedience proceeds not from the law, or any legal commandment; but from a lively faith.

  • O Lord, and merciful Father, awaken me by thy Holy Spirit, that I may not only know those things, but may practise them by a lively faith, and become a true worshipper in spirit and in truth.

  • That which gives to the mind its needed assurance and strength, and to the heart its consistency and solidity, is a lively faith, nourished and sustained by a sincere piety.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lively faith" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both clauses; coal merchant; courtly love; fair prospect; faithfully executed; fiscal agent; flat rock; good tidings; lively faith; lively interest; material existence; moving about; ought always; rainy weather; roman letter; small trees; spread them; these two; throwing herself; twelve miles; various objects; wire entanglements; with which