He was resolved to enter upon no duties that would interfere with his literary pursuits.
His three successors followed his example in this respect, but it was the fifth shogun, Tsunayoshi, who above all contributed to the spread of literary pursuits.
Although Mr. Adams gave most of his days to the service of his country, yet he was fond of literary pursuits, and acquired, during his hours of relaxation from sterner duties, a vast fund of classic lore and useful learning.
Her learning, her devotion to literary pursuits, her fecundity in verse, her opposition to amatory themes, her detestation of the modern stage, are all characteristics that tally with the burlesque portrait.
It reads now almost as if there were a general and brilliant opening ofliterary pursuits to women.
Sir William Temple, after spending twenty years in negociations with foreign powers, retired in 1680 from public life, and employed his time in literary pursuits.
Denne's feeling towards the poor and distressed, and to his attachment to literary pursuits.
He devoted himself to literary pursuits; was a profound antiquary, and a truly worthy man.
I have often thought it a pity," said Mr. Homer, "that Cousin Marcia should not apply herself more to literary pursuits.
It is a great pity," he said, "with his excellent disposition, that James will never interest himself in literary pursuits.
I don't know what you mean by literary pursuits, Homer," said Doctor Stedman, rather gruffly.
Ausonius retired from public life and devoted himself to literary pursuits at his native Bordeaux until his death, which took place not far from 395 A.
Amidst due attention to his professional duties, he became ardently devoted to literary pursuits.
The subject of this notice was early devoted to literary pursuits.
Amidst numerous domestic avocations in which she has latterly been involved, Mrs Simpson continues to devote a considerable portion of her time to literary pursuits.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "literary pursuits" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.