And, sir, I thanke yow for the lettyr that ze sent me.
Syr, thys is the copye of the lettyr that the Kynge sente my Lorde of Oxynford of tydyynges owte of Breten.
And as for the lettyr that ze sent on to hym, he hath schewyd my lord the entent ther off, and he thynkyth hym self, that it is no part of hys dute to have any part of the fysch, or any mony that schuld grow ther of.
No more to you at this tyme, but I pray you send this lettyr to my Maistresse Paston, when ye have sene hit; preyng you to remembre my systir Margrete ageyne the tyme that she shal be made nonne.
Plesyth it yow to remembre ye sent me word in the fyrste lettyr that ye sent me, that ye wolde that Playter scholde asent hem up to yow to London, and I schewyd hym yowyr wryttyng howe that ye wrote to me ther in.
Item, I receyvyd a lettyr frome yow on Sonday,[245.
I sent yow anothyr lettyrby Playter, the whyche was wretyn on Saterday[245.
Plesyth yow to weet that I receyvyd a lettyr on Seynt Symondys evyn and J[w]d, that came frome Jon Paston,[245.
I wold this mater sped the bety[r] be cause my Lady spoke so feythefully to me therin, and that mevyth me to wryte to yow this long symple lettyr of myn intent.
Rychard Calle tolde me that alle swhyche thyngys were lefte with Hery Barbore at the Tempyle Gate when the last terme was doo, and soo I sent yow worde in a lettyr whyche was wretyn on the Twesday next aftyr Seynt Looke,[245.
As for the lettyr that was indosyd to yow and to odyr, it was delyveryd to Welyam Yelvyrton, for ther aperyd no mor of the remwlawnt.
Also I undyrstand by your lettyr sent to my modyr and me that ye wold have your lyvelod gadyrd as hastyly as we myght do it.
Plesyt yow to wet that I sent yow a lettyr by my cosyn Barneys man of Wychyngham wyche was wretyn on Seynt Thomas Day in Crystmas,[24.
I had no tydyngys norlettyr of yow sene the wek before Crystmas; wher of I mervayle sore.
I pray yow let my fadyr have knowlage of thys lettyr, and of the todyr lettyr that I sent to my modyr by Felbryggys man; and how that I pray bothe hym and my modyr lowly of her blyssyngys.
I pray yow that ye wole send me some lettyrhow ye do, and of your tydyngys with yow, for I thynk longe that I here no word fro my modyr and yow.
I sent no lettyr to my fadyr, never syn I departyd fro yow, for I kowd get no man to London, and never sythe.
Item, I have spok with John Dame and Playter for the lettyr testymonyall, and John Dame hathe promysyd to get it, and Playter schall bryng it to yow to London.
To my ryth worchepfull husbond, Jon Paston, be thys lettyr delyveryd in haste.
Plesyt yow to wete that I receyvyd the lettyr that ye sent me by a man of Seynt Mychell parysche on Fryday next aftyr the Consepcion of owyr Ladi;[14.
Also, I sent John Lee is wyff a lettyr by on Crawethorn dwellyng in Wood street, or ellys in Sylver street at the end of Wood street.
Yellverton for Bedyngfeld, for she hathe comend ferther in that mater, syn ye wer in this contre, as it aperyth in hyr lettyr that she sendyth yow by Thyrston.
I con yow thank for the lettyr that ye sent to my cosyn Calthorpp and me of the tydyngs; I wold ye shuld do soo mor.
I can yw thanke for ywyr lettyr that ye sente me, and that ye have inquiryd of shwch thynges as ye thynk that shwld plese me.
Jamys Arblaster hathe wretyn a lettyr to the Bayle of Maldon, in Essex, to have yow a bergeys ther; howe Jwde shall sped, let hym tell yow, when ye spek to gedyr.
Item, I send yow by the berer herof a lettyr dyrect to yow that a man of my Lord of Oxenfortheys delyverd me; whych lettyr comyth fro the Kyng.
I prey yow weet whedyr she had it or nought; and she had it not, brodyr Edmund, I prey yow go to the same Crawethorn, and tak the lettyr of hym, and delyver it hyr in all hast.
Send me an ansswer of thys lettyr in hast, and odyr tydynges, &c.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lettyr" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.