And tho' the Saviour in the dream Spoke not these words, we saw them beam Legibly in his eyes (so well The great magician workt his spell), And read in every thoughtful line Imprinted on that brow divine.
Despair was legibly written on the faces of many who but too well foresaw our fate.
We cannot all be pretty writers, but we can all write legibly and give to the page the appearance of neatness.
He placed his master's letters legibly on the table, and fell to his posture of attention, alert on stiff legs, the hands like sucking-cubs at play with one another.
The glass of life is the best book, and one's natural wit the only diamond that can write legibly on it.
I pointed out to the priest various lines in which my name legibly and frequently occurred.
There was the man’s whole life written as legiblyon those clothes, as if we had his autobiography engrossed on parchment before us.
The sight was very horrible; the straw in many parts was stained with blood, and anguish was legibly written on the pale countenances of the dying.
With that, she produced the ship-letter that had put her in such spirits, legiblydated some twenty-two days ago.
I dare say Emily will forgive me if I get it set up legibly in print.
And almost at the same instant, she now being out of the dazzle of the sun, I was able to read, legibly inscribed on her stern, the words "Virginia.
He saw despair written solegibly upon that sweet face that it could not be misunderstood and would not be ignored.
As he entered, Dorlan was struck with the look of sorrow so legibly written in the face of the man.
On the whole budget of exploded poeticals is now legibly inscribed "to be kept till called for," a period rather more indefinite than the promise of a spendthrift's payment.
The paper must have been dampened, for it was very thick, and as strong and as coarse as modern manila wrapping; it could not have been legibly printed until it had been softened.
And what was of much more importance, he could print more legibly from his smooth plates of wood than the amateur typographer could from his uneven surface of lead.
It turnes so black that you may write legibly with it, and did there, after so long a carriage, turne as deepe as a deepe claret.
The vices of these cities have disastrous national results which are quite legibly written in some races existing in the present day.
He saw, most legibly written on his own life, that God is never in a hurry.
Dry diggings shall be 100 feet square and shall have placed at each of its four corners a legal post, upon one of which shall be legibly marked the name of the miner and the date upon which the claim was staked.
One of the posts shall belegibly marked with the name of the miner and the date upon which the claim is staked.
One of the legal posts at the stream shall be legibly marked with the name of the miner and the date upon which the claim was staked.
Maria delle Grazie at Varallo, signing the work and dating it, this time more legibly than he had done his earlier work in the chapel of St. Margaret.
They have also the great merit of being legibly signed and dated.
Dry diggings shall be 100 feet square and shall have placed at each of its four corners a legal post, upon one of which shall be legibly marked the name of the miner and the date upon the claim was staked.
Her guilt and shame were written all toolegibly on her face the moment she looked upon Leon Vinton.
The mute trouble of their faces seemed to repel the mere trivialities of conversation, and no one wished to speak of the mournful tragedy whose impress was written so legibly on the faces of both the sufferers.
New books were placed in her hands, in which he required her to keep systematically and legibly all her accounts; she drew and signed her own checks, and semi-annually furnished for his inspection a neat balance-sheet.
It is written legibly all over their lovely petals.
They stared at the lovely débutante with wonder and chagrin written legiblyupon their bepowdered visages.
He had his death-warrant written legibly upon his face.
Was there not written on his forehead, legibly and distinctly (when he snuffed the candles), 'Are you going to sit here for ever?
The offender tried hard to convince the afflicted father that he had been under the influence of a dream; but the four fingers and the thumb remained too legibly written on the offended spot to permit him to swallow it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "legibly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.