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Example sentences for "least resistance"

  • He will expect providential interference, and, as a consequence, his mind will pursue the path of least resistance, and will account for all phenomena by what to him is the easiest method.

  • The probabilities are on the side of our experience, and, consequently, against the miraculous; and it is a necessity that the free mind moves along the path of least resistance.

  • Psychoanalysis is a method which makes possible the analytic reduction of the psychic content to its simplest expression, and the discovery of the line of least resistance in the development of a harmonious personality.

  • Every new flood tends to fit itself approximately into the old banks, seeks first these lines of least resistance, and only when it finds them blocked or pre-empted does it turn to more difficult paths.

  • The incumbent mass will always give way along the lines of least resistance, or where it was formerly rent asunder.

  • The distension of the whole mass exerts an immense force, tending to propel the glacier in the direction of least resistance--"in other words, down the valley.

  • In any case the failure starts at the weakest points and follows the lines of least resistance.

  • As a rule buckling of a tracheid begins at the bordered pits which form places of least resistance in the walls.

  • The sides of the medullary rays sometimes produce planes of least resistance varying in size with the height of the rays.

  • We eulogize the principle of following the paths of own true interest and mean by that too often paths of least resistance.

  • The way to this idea has become a path of least resistance, and as soon as such an unfortunate situation has settled itself, the chances are overwhelming that a criminal career has been started.

  • They cannot come out of themselves long enough to see that their line of least resistance is not necessarily everybody else's line of least resistance.

  • She increased the risk for him, and at the same time left open to the great invading Powers another channel--the line of least resistance, the empty vehicle all prepared within herself.

  • They would follow the line of least resistance.

  • But, not only are we moved by authority, and tend toward channels of least resistance: We are all influenced by our environments.

  • A second important principle is that our feelings, thoughts and wills tend to follow the line of least resistance.

  • Volitions as well as feelings and thoughts tend to follow the line of least resistance.

  • The Decrees of Fate were fulfilled as usual, and History travelled on the line of least resistance, to the great gratification of The Thoughtful Observer.

  • This throwing of the burden of disclosure on her correspondent seemed to Gwen to be on the line of least resistance.

  • There is no normal adult who, experiencing severe pain or sorrow or fatigue, and thoroughly appreciating the immediate action of an easily accessible opiate, is not likely in a moment of least resistance to take it.

  • Avoidance and neglect of customary duties, evasion of new ones, extraordinary resourcefulness in the discovery of the line of least resistance, and finally amazing cunning and treachery--this is the inevitable history.

  • When the crater radius is equal to the line of least resistance, the mine is termed common; when this radius is greater than the line of least resistance, the mine is termed overcharged; and when the radius is less, undercharged.

  • I believe that my work on newspapers and reviews is more characteristic of me, and intrinsically better work than what I have done in fiction; but when I began to wield the pen, the novel was the line of least resistance.

  • Politicians are so apt to take the line of least resistance, and when thousands of votes of small landowners are to be won through the advocacy of an exemption, exemptions there will be.

  • I, for one, want a Britain who refuses to take the mere immediate line of least resistance, who knows and sets her course, and that a worthy one.

  • Fate seems to say to you: "Take the line of least resistance, friend--you are done for!

  • On poor food, poor air, and habits of least resistance, they wilt and grow distorted, acquiring withal the sort of pathetic hardihood which a Dartmoor pony will draw out of moor life in a frozen winter.

  • The line of least resistance seemed to run westwards towards the railway, and he put himself upon it, soon to find that Kitchener's dispositions had obstructed it.

  • Tao and dodge until it is altogether sloughed off the sense of separateness, is to follow the lines of least resistance.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "least resistance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another visit; anthropoid apes; attention whatever; better class; desperate resistance; find her; government head; green turf; large iron; least developed; least equal; least five; least have; least once; least some; least thirty; least three; least twenty; least two; light breeze; literary point; more common; more strongly; our master; single house; three fingers