The princesses, his daughters, had never had that terrible disease, the scourge and terror of all classes of society, yet they bravely shut themselves up with the king, lavishing their attentions upon him to the last gasp.
And, secondly, in being lavishing in diet and apparel in the family, or in lending to others that which was none of his own.
He was always throwing himself away upon some trifle, stumbling over himself, as it were, because the end he had actually focussed was so absurdly inadequate to the means he couldn't help lavishing upon it.
The two women began to call him, lavishing the most affectionate words on him.
What hostile power squanders thus our days, ironically lavishing them on the indifferences called attachments, on the wretchednesses named felicities!
The two persons who were talking in this friendly manner and lavishing smiles were General Guerrero and Count Louis de Prebois Crance, the two men we have seen in such bitter enmity.
The next day, as had been arranged, the delegates of the volunteers waited on the general, who received them in his usual way, lavishing protestations and promises on them.
The count received her half fainting into his arms, laid her on a butaca, and began lavishing on her all those attentions which her condition demanded.
Meantime Abbe Paparelli was lavishing attentions on the prelate, repeating with an expression of blissful satisfaction: "Your most reverend Eminence was expected.
And she led her away in a sisterly clasp, like a sister of affection and despair, lavishing the most gentle, consoling words upon her as they went.
The other woman chanced to be their laundress, who, presumably, was more kissable, if less inspiring, than was the newly acclaimed celebrity on whom Sandeau had been lavishing his fickle affections.
And soon afterward, an admirer of Anne's, one Dumonceau, was coaxed into lavishing two dollars and forty cents a month on Marie's education.
And here this summer, with his own work light, he's been helping me out as riding boss; or, at least I been lavishing money on him for that.
This good deed would I have done in honour of thy station and for the increase of thy dignity; and I have no need to stint myself in lavishing jewels, for I have of them great plenty.
The treasurer brought him all he sought and he sat giving to all who came to him and lavishing largesse upon every man according to his station.
And he went on lavishing money and saying in himself, "A burning plague!
And they imprisoned him for he had not come to that city save for the shortening of his days and the lavishing of his life-blood and he knew not what was predestined to him and in very sooth he deserved all that befel him.
Demades, meantime, delighted in lavishing his wealth even in positive transgressions of the law.
But she did not have the heart to carry out her threat, for Mrs. Fitzgerald was kind in spite of her reserve, lavishing beautiful gowns and jewels upon her, as if to make up to her for her heart-loneliness.
At length a rumor reached me that he was lavishing money and attention on a notorious woman who had caught his fancy.
All this time, he had been lavishing his entire stock of pity upon Reed.
Whatever time that Brenton took for visiting the Opdykes, quite as a matter of course he had been lavishing on Reed.
He will be an emperor if our master goes on thus lavishingfavours on him, for some men are born feet foremost and others head foremost, and he must be of the former.
Rodrigo removed the unhappy child from the dead body of his father, and ordered that he should be led to his tent, lavishing on him all the consolations and endearments which his condition required.
And they revenged themselves for their beaux' admiration of her by lavishing all their tenderness on him.
She had proved it sufficiently by lavishing all her favours on him, all her graces; but the laws of convention and usage would not have it.
There they took the course of lavishing care, and kindness, and attentions on her.
And the generosity of this primitive nature will be seen in the fact of his not keeping his hoard of knowledge to himself, but lavishingit upon all comers.
A cuckoo had deposited her egg there, and the parents, stupidly deceived, lavishing the same care upon the intruder as upon their own young, had succeeded only in absurdly favouring the strongest.
The people are lavishing their substance and the nobility their blood for the same cause.
Statius extols the simple tastes and frugality of his heroes Abascantus and Claudius Etruscus, and yet he describes them as lavishing money on baths and tombs and funeral pomp.
It could make itself a society which men would proudly or affectionately claim as their "patria" and their parent, and on which they would vie with one another in lavishing their time and their gold.
Mrs. Reed took her in her arms, dried her tears, and tried to reassure her, lavishing every endearment upon the unhappy girl.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lavishing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.