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Example sentences for "lansquenets"

Lexicographically close words:
lanky; lanner; lanolin; lanoline; lansquenet; lantana; lantern; lanterne; lanterns; lanthanum
  1. The truth has freed us, but soon the imperial lansquenets will come and try to place us again under the yoke of slavery.

  2. The old affection which the lansquenets bore to their leader seemed extinct.

  3. He perceived a band of Lutheran lansquenets descending the Alps.

  4. He could no doubt by a single word to his Spanish bands or to his German lansquenets have seized on these inflexible men, and treated them like Moors.

  5. But the sight of their dying captain produced on the lansquenets an effect that no speech could have made.

  6. Ulrich now heard the door of the tap-room open, and fancied he could see the Lansquenets in gay costumes, each one different from the other, crowd into the apartment.

  7. Though the lansquenets were generally clothed according to their own taste, there was still a semblance of an attempt to uniformity after the fashion of those days.

  8. The lansquenets had dressed him out in a ridiculous manner, with a painted leather cap, at the top of which was stuck a large cock's feather.

  9. He ought to have preferred the lansquenets before those Swiss dogs.

  10. That's my opinion also," said the Magdeburger: "no other than lansquenets can seat the Duke upon his chair again.

  11. Are these the lansquenets who have agreed to serve me?

  12. The lansquenets have thrown up a few redoubts at Untertuerkheim, between Esslingen and Cannstadt, and have three thousand five hundred men there; we shall join them tonight.

  13. The French troops, meantime, were either furloughed or scattered, and the generals condemned to inaction, while the German reiters and lansquenets and the Swiss pikemen were permitted to return to their own homes.

  14. Encountering their own countrymen, the lansquenets or German infantry, they broke through their ranks and threw them into confusion.

  15. Of four thousand lansquenets that entered the action, barely two hundred escaped with their lives.

  16. Should the French and Venetians accept of this truce, the lansquenets were to be withdrawn from Italy; at all events they and the Constable Bourbon's army were forthwith to quit the ecclesiastical and Florentine territories.

  17. Close to the walls where the breach had been made a large body of lansquenets were collected, and with them was a band of armed citizens.

  18. Perhaps your highness has not been informed that the garrison has just been reinforced by fifteen hundred lansquenets and three hundred horse sent by the king," remarked De Lodron.

  19. The lansquenets were all put to the sword.

  20. Lansquenets and other soldiers, mad with hunger and rage, when they could no longer find dogs to feed on, chased children through the streets, and were known in several instances to kill and devour them on the spot.

  21. Came then the Duke of Lunebourg, the commander of the lansquenets in the landgrave's service.

  22. The Lord Prince of Orange and Giovanni di Urbino, with the other leaders, do what they can, but to little purpose; for in entering Rome the lansquenets have conducted themselves like true Lutherans, and the rest like actual.

  23. My lansquenets have active duty to perform; people are coming in and out at all hours; and I never know when his Highness the lieutenant-general himself may not make his appearance there.

  24. In reply to all his explanations, the captain of the lansquenets simply urged that he had no power to release him, and that his justification must be made to the Duke of Mayenne himself.

  25. Late in July 6,000 lansquenets passed through Paris toward the camp at Blois.

  26. The Protestant infantry which had followed the horse into the battle, was thus left unsustained, and when the duke of Guiseā€™s light horse charged, the lansquenets broke in flight, abandoning the artillery.

  27. Some thirty captains were party to it who were to be put in command of some companies of German lansquenets (La Place, 33).

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lansquenets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.