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Example sentences for "lambs"

Lexicographically close words:
lambing; lambkins; lamblike; lambrequin; lambrequins; lambskin; lame; lamed; lamella; lamellae
  1. In other words, the wolf solemnly engaged to protect the lambs for himself, and all the world knows what that means: and we know it now in 1896 by forty years more of broken promises and horrible atrocities.

  2. The carcases of the lambs belong to the Malas and washermen.

  3. Other lambs are killed at intervals during the course of the procession.

  4. There were the hens who gave them such fine fresh eggs, and Shep, the dog, who kept the lambs safe on the hill in the summer time.

  5. Now that he was a little lad of ten with a great flock of ewes and lambs to tend and drive through sun and storm, he had smiles and kind words for all, and he played his fiddle all day long until its sweet tunes filled the valley.

  6. There were wooly lambs that would bleat, and toy horses with harnesses on the shelves of the toy shop.

  7. The trees and hedges seemed to fly swiftly by us, and one field, and the sheep, and the lambs passed away.

  8. England probably clips fifty millions of fleeces this year, lambs under a year old not being shorn.

  9. After this crop was off, sheep were to be put on it, to have lambs at Christmas, so as to come into market in March, a time of year when they command a high price.

  10. We soon reached the cave, and finding that the owner was 216 not at home we examined all that it contained; we saw vessels brimful of whey, and racks loaded with cheeses: the yards also were full of lambs and kids.

  11. During the night the ewes make a great deal of milk, and this is again sucked by the lambs in the morning, and not milked.

  12. My men implored me to let them steal some cheeses, drive off some of the lambs and kids, and sail away, but I would not, for I hoped the owner might give me something.

  13. The authoress saw the shepherd milk a number of ewes, and then bring in a number of lambs, but she did not understand that the ewes which had been milked had got no lambs, while those that had lambs still living had not been milked.

  14. I believe the true explanation to be that the shepherd from whose alpe the scene was in part drawn, drove in a number of ewes some of which had lambs, while the lambs of others had been already killed and eaten.

  15. Having driven the ewes into his cave (I omit the she-goats for brevity) he milked them, and then put their lambs with them (ix.

  16. In the evening they let the lambs suck, and then shut them up again.

  17. The lambs were in the yards all day, for Ulysses' men saw them there and wanted to steal them (ix.

  18. Besides, Polyphemus could not have got any milk from the ewes if their lambs had been with them in the day-time.

  19. Thy statue then of Parian stone shall stand; But if the falling lambs increase my fold, Thy marble statue shall be turned to gold.

  20. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom.

  21. I’ve got three little Foxes there, and we do love little Lambs so dearly!

  22. That flecks the green meadow with sunshine and shadow, Till the little lambs leap with delight?

  23. So the Boy lay down under his striped woollen cloak of blue and white and drifted toward sleep, glad that he was a son of Israel, but sorry when he thought of the thousands of little lambs and the altar floor splashed with red.

  24. But why," persisted the Boy, "must all the lambs be killed in the Temple?

  25. There were lambs in the next field; he watched their gambollings and his heart relaxed; brushing the clover dust off his black clothes, he began to retrace his steps.

  26. They were such a danger to the soldiers, too; and in turn, the soldiers were such a danger to the lambs of his flock.

  27. Those lambs he had watched in a field that afternoon, their sudden little leaps and rushes, their funny quivering wriggling tails, their tiny nuzzling black snouts--what little miracles of careless joy among the meadow flowers!

  28. Full drowsily the white lambs bleat, And tinkling bell-notes faintly beat The languid air where Lacon lies In beechen shade.

  29. Lambs are bleating, steers are lowing, Brisk and rhythmic clacks the mill.

  30. In lambs very little was doing, at barely Monday's quotations.

  31. Watch the lambs when they are playing, and find out whether they play: 1.

  32. In their games the lambs are fitting themselves for their place in the flock, and these games very much resemble those named in the exercise.

  33. How old are the lambs before they can keep up with the old sheep when running?

  34. He is not dead: he only sleeps, Safe in the arms of Him who keeps His lambs secure from earth's alarm, From grief and sin and foes that harm.

  35. That Sweet Story of Old I think, when I read that sweet story of old, When Jesus was here among men, How He called little children as lambs to His fold, I should like to have been with them then.

  36. An Exquisite Baptismal Hymn Saviour, who Thy flock art feeding With the shepherd's kindest care, All the feeble gently leading, While the lambs Thy bosom share.

  37. Concerning these experiences, Wesley makes the following notation in his diary: "From Rockdale we went to Bolton, and soon found that the Rockdale lions were lambs in comparison with those of Bolton.

  38. And let the young lambs bound As to the tabor's sound!

  39. A gown made of the finest wool, Which from our pretty lambs we pull, Fair lined slippers for the cold, With buckles of the purest gold.

  40. A shepherd looking for missing lambs would find only wolf-tracks to guide him.

  41. Not so much as the sound of a wolf's howling was heard about the sheep-folds, and shepherds and sheep-dogs tended the lambs that spring undisturbed.

  42. For many centuries he was satisfied with the blood of oxen, lambs and doves.

  43. Why should he give his lambs to the care and keeping of the wolves and hyenas of superstition?

  44. I see her prostrate on the great steps of her altar, praying for a fair night for mariners at sea, for travellers in deserts, for lambs on moors, and unfledged birds in woods.

  45. He is also the type of playfulness, and there can be few more pleasing sights than that of a flock of lambs sporting on the grass or a single lamb playing among children by whom he is kept as a pet.

  46. A gown made of the finest wool, Which from our pretty lambs we pull, Fair-lined slippers for the cold, With buckles of the purest gold.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lambs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.