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Example sentences for "lalu"

Lexicographically close words:
lakked; lakketh; laks; lalo; lals; lamasery; lamb; lamba; lambda; lambdoidal
  1. For a day or two past she has been unable to eat-- Sudah satu dua hari dia ta’ lalu makan nasi.

  2. He spat it out and then went and licked it up again-- Sudah ludah lalu di-jilat (a proverb).

  3. He was immensely astonished at seeing it-- Dia ter-lalu heiran me-lihat-kan.

  4. He or she who holds it at that moment is then dubbed ABAN LALU or BALU DOH (=widower Lalu or widow Doh).

  5. Malacca was preserved from drowning by the alu-alu fish and the gandasuli tree, and on that account "forbade all his descendants to eat of the fish alu-alu or to wear the flower of the gandasuli.

  6. The tablet probably recorded the appointment of Lalu to his benefice; it therefore was his title-deed.

  7. It is clear that Lalu was one of those privileged officials who held lands by royal charter, and who could not be dispossessed of their land.

  8. Now that the enemy were on the run it was the time to press them, and this Turner did so effectually that the leading men of his column entered Lalu simultaneously with the last of the fugitives.

  9. Lalu gathered the boy closer and half mechanically hummed the chorus he had so often heard Fatma use as a lullaby.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lalu" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.