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Example sentences for "kneading"

Lexicographically close words:
knawledge; knawn; knaws; knead; kneaded; kneads; knee; kneed; kneel; kneele
  1. Continue the kneading by repeating these motions until the dough has a smooth appearance, is elastic, does not stick to either the hands or the board, and rises quickly when it is pressed down.

  2. In order to carry out the kneading process, first cover lightly with flour the surface on which the kneading is to be done; this may be a suitable table top or a molding board placed on a table.

  3. In case a crust does form, it should be well moistened with water or milk and allowed to soften completely before the next kneading is begun.

  4. It does away with the necessity of one kneading and one rising and consequently saves considerable time and labor.

  5. When the dough has doubled in bulk, remove it from the bowl to the kneading board, knead it slightly, and then shape it into loaves.

  6. The purpose of kneading is to work the dough so as to distribute evenly the gas that is produced by the yeast, to increase the elasticity of the gluten, and to blend the ingredients.

  7. On the other hand, the lightness of pastry and the tenderness of cookies depend on how each is rolled out, and the kneading of bread is a process that demonstrates that many things can be learned by actually doing them.

  8. Inside of the pail is a kneading prong c, in the shape of a gooseneck, that is revolved by turning the handle d.

  9. So that the best results may be attained, however, it is advisable that the purpose for which the kneading is done be kept constantly before the mind during the process.

  10. Lagan, a brass or copper pan in which the hands are washed: also used for kneading dough.

  11. Brocquière describes in 1452 as "kneading and pinching," has already been noticed.

  12. Many Easterns can hardly sleep without this kneading of the muscles, this "rubbing" whose hygienic properties England is now learning.

  13. A rubbing or kneading of the body, especially when performed as a hygienic or remedial measure.

  14. To soften by kneading or stirring with some thinner substance.

  15. Wealthy was kneading bread, her arms rising and falling with a strong, regular motion, like the piston of a steam-engine.

  16. He heard the sound of the baker kneading his bread, and the drip of the milk as the dairyman measured it.

  17. He bent over his great mixing bowl and began kneading the dough and shaping the loaves of bread that were to be baked in the oven.

  18. They embrace every conceivable variety of effort, and also another class of applications which may be termed shampooing, as they consist of kneading and rubbing.

  19. Good kneading will be required for this purpose, and beating it with a rolling-pin.

  20. Then put half a bushel of it into a kneading trough, mix with it between four and five quarts of warm water or skim milk, and a pint and a half of good yeast, and stir it well together with the hand till it become tough.

  21. According to the method practised by the London bakers, a sack of flour is sifted into the kneading trough, to make it lie loose.

  22. The best flour is often made into bad bread by not suffering it to rise sufficiently; by not kneading it well, by not baking it enough, and by keeping it too long.

  23. It was kneading on the carpet with its front paws--slowly, laboriously, as though its feet were dipped in treacle.

  24. Smoke continued to rub against its cheek and nose and eyes, sometimes even standing on its body and kneading into the thick yellow hair.

  25. The object of kneading is that the yeast may be distributed through the flour so evenly that its effect upon all parts of the dough will be the same.

  26. After the kneading the bread is "set to rise," that is it is put in a comfortably warm place, out of the way of draughts, and left while the yeast plants multiply and ferment the bread.

  27. When the sponge has increased to about twice its size in the beginning, enough flour is stirred in to make kneading possible.

  28. Work out the dough rapidly, kneading with as few strokes as possible, since handling injures the biscuit.

  29. Brisk and long kneading makes the pores fine and regular.

  30. In kneading dough for the day’s baking, after adding and working in the risen sponge, set aside enough for a loaf of tea-rolls.

  31. The second kneading is done upon a floured board, and should be thorough as the first, the dough being continually shifted and turned.

  32. This gentle kneading or pressing of the limbs, which is one of the operations performed in the bath, is often practised by the Arabs for the purpose of inducing sleep.

  33. When perfectly light, mix stiff with white corn meal, and a little flour; roll out on the kneading board; cut in cakes, and dry.

  34. In the morning turn it out on the kneading board.

  35. As in making bread, the skill in kneading Mainzer makes a worthy craft.

  36. Formaggi di Pasta Filata Italy A group of Italian cheeses made by curdling milk with rennet, warming and fermenting the curd, heating it until it is plastic, drawing it into ropes and then kneading and shaping while hot.

  37. Beat up two eggs and roll out some brittle crackers upon the kneading board until they are as fine as dust.

  38. While speaking, he united example to precept and kept kneading the trunk of the Colonel.

  39. Nibor caused a new and prolonged bath to be given the Colonel, on coming out of which, the body was subjected to a kneading harder and more complete than before.

  40. During the process of cleaning, keep kneading the dirt into the dough.

  41. Wipe the paper with this preparation while turning and kneading it as in making dough.

  42. This must go on for two or three hours, continually kneading and pounding, otherwise it will be hard, tough, and indigestible.

  43. Is made like wheat bread, but that it requires more kneading and baking.

  44. Should you find the dough sour, you may rectify it by kneading in a tea-spoonful of soda or pearlash, dissolved in a little warm water.

  45. If there is a strong taste, or any trace of rancidity, wash well, kneading through and through, in sweet milk, then rinse out the milk with cold water to which a little borax has been added.

  46. If strong butter needs must be used, it can be mitigated to a degree, by washing and kneading well in cold water barely dashed with chloride of lime solution, then rinsing well in cold water, and afterward in sweet milk.

  47. In such a recipe as that for the making of Parker House rolls, a very delicate quality results from a protracted process; one old-fashioned housekeeper recommends a half hour's kneading three times.

  48. The kneading stretches the gluten and long kneading gives a fine grain.

  49. Fortunately a sufficiently good bread or roll may be made by ten or fifteen minutes' kneading at a time.

  50. There were twenty smokers on the couches, some preparing the pellet of opium by kneading it and pressing it on the pipe-bowl, some dozing off the fumes, and a few smoking.

  51. Half way along the corridor were a couple of doors opposite each other; one led to the furnace, the other to the kneading room.

  52. There were always some ten or twelve men in shirt-sleeves, brandishing their arms desperately over the troughs, and in the back of the room a she-mule slowly turned the kneading machine.

  53. The kneading room, less dark than the furnace room, was even more somber.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kneading" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.