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Example sentences for "kippers"

Lexicographically close words:
kiosk; kiosks; kiosque; kipper; kippered; kips; kirchliche; kirchlichen; kiri; kirkmen
  1. No one can deny, however, that appetising as these homely fish are, the smell of frying kippers or bloaters is most aggressive.

  2. Next morning, for breakfast, a dish of kippers and a dish of kidneys were placed on the table, side by side.

  3. Now the child loved kippers with an affection that amounted almost to passion, while she loathed kidneys worse than powders.

  4. Kippers is dear nowadays, and I'm sure you have plenty to do with your money.

  5. I got some kippers as I came past the fish shop.

  6. This will come as a great boon to music-hall audiences, who find that the kippers used by comedians are getting rather frayed at the edges through constant wear.

  7. The Board of Agriculture point out that there is an abundant supply of kippers on the market at reasonable prices.

  8. Some people I know wouldn't care to come in and have kippers for second dejeuner: all I can say is, then they can stay out--go somewhere else and make greater demands on their trouser pockets.

  9. One can pass a very happy hour at the little restaurant in the Rue des Ours; they can fry kippers to a turn, and one or two other simple things.

  10. What's the use of a scout-fire to me with kippers to cook?

  11. The very thought of kippers made his own mouth water and, recalling that Mrs. Bindle was particularly partial to them, he realised that her condition must be extremely grave.

  12. He knew that on board the Belligerent Joshua frequently had kippers for his tea, while six rashers of bacon and six fried eggs often formed his evening meal at a quarter past seven.

  13. Mhor, who regarded Jock as the greatest living humorist, and now at the thought of the scattered kippers wallowed on the floor with laughter.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kippers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.