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Example sentences for "inviting them"

  • Information was sent to Osceola and his followers, inviting them to be present.

  • Soon after the coronation of Harold Harefoot, they received a letter purporting to come from their mother, Emma, widow of Knut, inviting them to assert their claim to their father's throne.

  • At the same time he despatched letters to the Brabançons and Gascons, inviting them to the conquest of England, and promising them the castles and manors of his present subjects.

  • I satisfied the colored people that it was no fault of mine that they had not received an invitation to my ball, at the same time treating them with the greatest politeness, inviting them on board to partake of refreshments.

  • For this purpose, he sent messages to the principal inhabitants, inviting them to meet him in council.

  • He wrote to the various provinces, inviting them to send commissioners to meet the tribes at Albany, "in order to defeat the designs and intrigues of the French.

  • They met during the evening in the log-house where Post and his party lodged; and here a French officer presently arrived with a string of wampum from the commandant, inviting them to help him drive back the army of Forbes.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inviting them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    around the; buried city; different persons; entire sanctification; established fact; gateway switch; habitual criminals; hospital ships; interior decoration; inviting them; join their; meant originally; money refunded; must believe; must marry; ordinary temperature; post facto; said this; second story; she finished; solar radiation; upon that