It was given at first hypodermatically or intravenously but the former method was painful.
It is best given intravenously in doses of two and a half to three grains dissolved in five to six cubic centimeters of distilled water.
Adler has recently reported experiments on dogs, to which he fed or injected intravenously various substances supposed to induce arteriosclerotic changes.
They injected the rabbits intravenouslywith cholesterin.
Given orally or intravenously (the recklessness of the latter method should again be emphasized) Burnham’s Soluble Iodine is claimed to be of: “.
In emergencies of serious cardiac failure, strophanthin intravenously has been shown apparently to save life.
In sudden cardiac insufficiency, provided digitalis has not been given in large doses a short time before, strophanthin may be given intravenously once or at most twice at twenty-four-hour intervals.
Sometimes in serious emergencies it has been found to be of value when given intravenously in physiologic saline solution.
Delbet[282] states that he employed this saltintravenously in one case, and that its use was shortly followed by death.
After the mixture had stood from one to three hours, it was injected either subcutaneously or intravenously into mice in order to test the vitality of the cells.
The whole question of the justification of using salicylates intravenously is open to grave doubt.
It would be undesirable to inject intravenously such drugs as iodids, nitrites, iron or salicylates.
If either of these preparations were injected intravenously as directed, death might result, making the physician morally if not legally liable.
Harrison stated that arsphenamine (Salvarsan) in the shape of an enema is definitely less effective than intravenously and that “Neisser and the vast majority of workers can see no value in the rectal method.
It has also been observed that several drugs, for instance, quinin and potassium, depress the cardiac muscle when given intravenously much more than when given in other ways.
To date, after three salvarsan treatments intravenously there have been two negatives.
More serious is the fact that the drugs given intravenously reach the system, and especially the heart, in a different manner and concentration from that to which physicians are accustomed with ordinary methods of administration.
For example: “Syphilodol is dispensed in the form of tablets and also hermetically closed glass syringes or ampules so that it may be used either by the mouth, intravenously or intramuscularly at the discretion of the physician.
When injected intravenously it causes tremendous inhibition of the heart’s action—a moderate amount causing the heart to beat slowly and powerfully; a large amount causing complete arrest.
This is clear from the fact that these symptoms appear when the poison is given either hypodermatically or intravenously to animals.
When it is given intravenously it mixes rapidly with the circulating blood and slowly accumulates in tissues that utilize phosphates in their metabolism.
In such cases, the patient may be given ³²P labeled phosphate intravenouslysome hours before surgery.
A small sample of heavy water was given either intravenously or orally, and time was allowed for it to mix uniformly with all the water in the body (about 4 to 6 hours).
Advantage has been taken of the fact that freshly-alkalized orange juice retains its potency, in using it intravenously in the treatment of infantile scurvy.
A dose not over 50 mg per kilo may, therefore, be regarded as the minimum toxic dose when injected intravenously under the conditions stated.
These experiments show that a dose of about 50 mg per kilo when injected intravenouslyproduces mild symptoms, such as increased reflexes.
In the experiments in which smaller quantities, 30 mg per kilo, were givenintravenously there was no manifestation of symptoms.
When injected intravenously into rabbits, it produces immediate paralysis, with coagulation of the blood; subcutaneously it leads to the formation of enormous abscesses, with necrosis of the tissues.
When injected intravenously into dogs it produces pruritus, sneezing, and erythema, with intense congestion of the mucous membranes; 1 decigramme per kilogramme is a dose sufficient to produce these symptoms.
No effect was found to be produced by the venom when injected intravenously into the rabbit, or subcutaneously into the rat.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intravenously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.